Chapter 5 : Decision

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Still seated on the couch, next to Lisa, I was listening to her story. How her family tree was created, I also learned that the blonde guy Bishop was her uncle. While Lisa was still explaining to me how she fed, a ginger tornado appeared in the living room, and Alice seemed unhappy and worried.

"Hailey...I was so afraid. I searched everywhere for you. The council wants to see you!" She reminded me that I completely forgot about Halloween Town, while I discussed with Lisa. Some anxiety was crawling down on me again, wondering what would the council choose for me.

« Now ?» I wanted to spend more time with Lisa, knowing her true story made us closer. I finally knew was she was leaving so fast at the end of class or why she didn't pick up when I called her late at night.

« Yes, they made a choice.» Alice looked at me, waiting for me to get out of the house. However, I didn't want to leave this soon. I liked it being here with Lisa. And as weird as this sounded I almost feel like it was home.

« Don't worry Hailey, I'm always watching over you. I'll be there for you, everywhere you'll go, you're my best friend. And now we share the same secret. » Lisa must have seen my concern taking part of my body. She winked at me, trying to give some of her courage and confidence about our future together. She followed Alice and me to the front door. Alice didn't see him, but I had crossed Bishop's eyes at the bottom of the corridor. I wonder why he didn't come to say hello to my aunt, but maybe they didn't like each other. I could feel how Alice was pulling me out very fast from Lisa's house.

And as soon as I said goodbye, she even dragged me abruptly to the forest. She was walking so fast, I wondered if she was angry with me. She was still keeping my hand in hers, I guessed she didn't want to lose me this time.

It was only when we were back in the witch town that she slow down and let go of my hand. Back there, the pumpkins were now turned off, and some people were out. I didn't realize it before we go out of the forest but the sun and the sky were burning bright.

We passed in front of my aunt's house, but we did not stop. She continued, in front of another house, scarlet red. High and large, the front door was already opened and unknown symbols were carved on it.

Entering this house, made me scared somehow, some goosebumps appeared on my uncovered arms. While we keep going through the corridor, the light was getting out, it was almost as if it was dark in there. Raymond was waiting for us at the bottom of the corridor, against a beam from the staircase. He didn't say anything, yet we followed him, going up. We then stopped close to a door. A small table was let out next to the door, on top of it was a red candle.

« They want to speak with her alone..» Raymond tried to catch my eyes as if he thought I was still hiding something. I could feel that he still didn't like me. But I didn't understand why. I had done nothing wrong. 

"Yes...For sure" Alice nodded, without bargaining against Raymond. She let us together, taking back the staircases, she would probably wait for me outside. While Alice finally let us together, Raymond gave me a black look.

"The night you disappear, don't tell them that you saw me. Okay." He  continued making me feel inferior, he wanted me to lie. And I guessed that now I understand why he hated me, somehow he was scared to lose his place. Raymond must have been important here, on Halloween. And I was the only one knowing that he shouldn't have been there last night at the beach in California.

I nodded agreeing to lie, I didn't want to go back home. I liked it here. Lisa was finally honest, no more secret, except how she did manage to be back on earth every week. I had an idea still, Raymond and Lisa must have a special portal or something to go back to the human part.

Raymond put his hand on the door handle, at first, it was just an ordinary door. But then I could see stained glass, it was orange. Nonetheless, we cannot see above it. Before Raymond let me go in the room, he looked at me one more time, he was counting on me on this one. For me, it was the contrary if the council did refuse to let me in on Halloween I was planning to give Raymond's little's secret away.

He did open the door, letting me in, and then close it as fast as possible. I was now alone in front of the council members. The room was impressive. It's like there were no real walls as if we were outside in a dark blue light. The top of the room was illuminated by little white dots, like stars.

I stared at every member, they were four. Only adults, but the last person seemed older. Her look gave the chills again, her eyes were completely white colored. That was scary. I have never seen such a thing, except in movies, maybe.

"Hailey Ryan... Can you show us how you manage to be here ?" A young boy, with dark skin, interrupts his contemplation. He moved closer to me abandoning the line where the other stood. At first, I didn't know what he meant. I didn't keep anything from that night, so how could have shown that to him? I guessed I also expected them to be nicer. But that was wrong, I was still a girl who entered their territory without any warning.

"yes." His hand was now touching my arm, while another was touching the top of my forehead. Somehow my eyes closed by themselves, I was now seeing all the scenes from last night the beach, the attic, the waves and me falling asleep on the golden sand. I knew that I needed to modify the last image in my brain and the one from Raymond.

"Interesting." I opened my eyes back, the dark skin guy was now back on the line with the others, I wondered how he did that so fast, was he a vampire too?  I didn't even feel his hand leaving my arm or my forehead.

" Do you want to stay in Halloween... Hailey ?" Another man talked, a ginger head.

"yes"  They quickly watch the old lady with her white eyes. I didn't know if they were going to watch e again, nobody was talking anymore.

"You can stay, but you would have to make your rite of passage. You're almost eighteen Hailey." The ginger had finally stood out, I was indeed amazed, I never thought that they will agree. 

I was not against them, after all, I was capable of anything just to stay here. Being on earth, I knew that I was not like the rest of the other. Here I knew that I would finally fit in. Besides Lisa was here too.

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