ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟛- Rise and Shine.

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I then told her that I hated him, trust me I know what my best friends like. I'll say that I think he's good looking and she will take it too far, so for now it remains a secret. At about half 11 at night, I was in bed and was about to fall asleep when I heard a knock on my door. I thought it might be Jesse but I hadn't seen him much today.

"Come in!" I shouted.

Marcus walked in with a hanger with a Manchester United training kit.

"Here wear this tomorrow." He exclaimed while he was placing it on my chair in my room. "You should feel privileged, this training kit is one of a kind. No one else has it except from the players."

"Umm I do feel special actually. A special kit on a special women" I laughed.

"Indeed" Marcus agreed with me and smiled. "Now I'll let you sleep Cocky, be ready by 10."

I then nodded and rolled my eyes, he left the room. For some reason, whenever I see him I feel a feeling I've never felt before. I don't like him. I don't think so..

*Next Day*

I woke up at 9 and put on the kit Marcus had got for me, I really don't know how he knew my size. Maybe Jess told him? As I walking out of my room Jesse was walking out of his.

"Hey Jess"

"Hi Y/n you ready?" He said.

"Yeah, I'm a bit nervous though."

"Don't be. I played with some of the players at that club for a long time, and Marcus is there with you." He reassured me and hugged me. "You will be fine."

We both walked downstairs while he still had his arm around my shoulders.

Marcus's car wasn't on the driveway so I knew he wasn't here. This was my opportunity to ask Jess why Marcus is actually staying. When we made it to the kitchen, he asked me if I wanted breakfast. I accepted his offer.

"Jess? Can I ask you a question?" I said.

"Mhm yeah what is it?" He said wonderingly.

"Can you tell me the actual reason why Marcus is staying here? I haven't had chance to ask him yet." I questioned.

He looked at me to say "Really? He didn't even tell you"

"Y/n his parents kicked him out. They didn't want him to stay due to him being known by the public." He said. "Kind of like our uncle, when he stopped speaking to us because I was known."

I was so confused. If I knew that I wouldn't have treated him the way I did. I felt so bad because I know the feeling.

"I didn't know that" I said with my head down. "I feel bad now"

When I said that the front door opened. I hadn't had time to process it.

"Y/n you almost ready" Marcus shouted up the stairs and he started walking to me and and Jesse in the kitchen. I was still in shock. He has been through the same thing as me. It's not fair so when he walked in, I knew he sensed a tension amongst the room.

"Hey Marcus.. yeah I'm ready" I blurted out trying to pretend I didn't know.

He knew something was up, I think he thought I was in trouble or pain.

"Y/n what's wrong?" He said with a questionable look on his face.

I almost burst out crying, well I did eventually. I know what it feels like, I was really close with Uncle James. He just left, just because of Jesses fame. Why wasn't he just supportive? Why didn't he just politely ask Jesse to not publicly show him? I started crying and went over and hugged him, I don't know what came over me, I just felt really bad. As soon as I hugged him he placed his arm on my back. This hig lasted a while and Marcus was looking at Jesse with a concerned, look on his face. I let go of him.

"Omg I'm so sorry!" I cried.

"Oh no don't worry. Jesse why is she crying?" He wondered. It was almost like he was panicking.

Jesse looked at him.

"It's the reason your staying. Our uncle did the same about our fame, I think she feels terrible about how she treated you." Jesse told Marcus.

"Is that true y/n?" He looked down at me.

I nodded. Why am I crying? Why do I feel bad?

"Trust me, you and Jesse are helping me so much. I couldn't be more grateful. Let's just forget about this and have a good day okay?" hey

I wiped my tears and checked the time on my phone. 10:45.

"Marcus we got to go!" I said panicked.

"Okay let's go bye Jess." We both waved and said goodbye.

As I was walking out the door, that's when the feeling sunk in. I'm meeting all the players at Marcus's club. I was ready to Q&A him in the car! I wanted to know what to expect when I was going to meet these people.

We both sat down in the car and he began driving.

"So I know we've only got 10 minutes until we get there, but I want to ask you some questions about your friends." I wondered if he would allow me to ask them to him.

" Fine. What do you want to know about them?" He said back almost laughing because he had never seen me be so interested about such things.

"Top 5."

He laughed. "Well your brother was number one but..." He looked sad, Jesse always told me about Marcus when we were younger, but I'd never actually met him then. "Probably Jadon, Luke, Antony, Case and I don't know who else" He laughed.

"I will be inspecting all of them, very clearly."

We arrived at the training ground, and I felt like royalty sitting in his car. People waving and asking him to stop for them.

"I won't stop. I know what these fans can be like" Marcus explained.

He parked his car, and another footballer was getting out of the car next to us.

"Hey Scott." He shook his hand and and they smiled to one another.

I felt really out of place I didn't know where to stand, so I stood directly right in-front of Marcus. Scott was a tall blond haired man.

"Who's this?"

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