ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟙𝟝- Protection.

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"Like what?" Marcus replied.

"Just the way you help me and Jesse." I replied and we both looked at Jesse who was entering the room. I don't know how I was going to get him at that stadium tonight in this state. Jesse walked into the kitchen and i asked "jess what can I do to get you back to normal?" I chucked a little bit and so did he.

"I don't know" He laughed while planting his hands on top of his face. He took a seat on the breakfast bar table and rested his head against it.

"Cold shower?" Marcus questioned, raising his arms in a questionable manner.

"Great idea!" I smiled and dragged Jesse out of his chair while he let out slight groans. I pulled him up the stairs with all my strength. Jesses head was almost touching the ground, I was very surprised that his back wasn't hurting after all the slanting he did. Marcus was behind and I was in front of him, Marcus told us he was staying behind just in case he had tipped down them. We got into the bathroom eventually, and while Marcus was helping Jess through the door, i ran the tap on the shower and twisted the dial to cold. Jesse wasn't wearing any type of important clothing so we just chucked him into the shower with no hesitation. May be i should have thought about how cold the actual water was.

"Y/n!! The water Im going to kill you." I giggled and jogged out of the bathroom. I know what Jess is like by now, he'd probably get out and splash me with the freezing water. I just hope this will help his hangover because i've ran out of options, and for some reason I had a good feeling about tonight.

I went downstairs to get some water and Marcus followed behind a couple of minutes later. "I think you startled him a little bit." He laughed and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge. I laughed with him as he did that. "You excited for tonight?" He questioned while sipping on the water.

"For some weird reason, yes."

"That isn't a weird reason. When was the last time you went to a match?" He asked now giving me uncontrollable eye contact.

"Before all that stuff happened with Jess. I think i'm just excited cause i know he's not like that anymore, and i can just go to a match without worrying about him." I paused for a second. "I love football but not what it does to you."

His head dropped. "I feel the same way. I know so many people that have struggled with mental health issues in football, it's getting worse. He's strong."

We both slightly smiled at each other. "Who's strong?" Jesse said walking into the room. This Jess wasn't the same Jess as before, he was more him. "I'm feeling wonderful Y/n." Jesse was strutting in with a style.

"Oh he's back." Marcus laughed and me and Jess joined.

"I was always here."

Me and Marcus hummed and each other and nodded. It was around 11am now, and the match kicked off at 8 tonight so time wasn't a problem right now. "I think i'm going to go out and get breakfast with Antony." I exclaimed to Jess and Marcus. I walked to grab my phone which was behind Marcus. I touched his leg slightly and looked up, which forced us into intense eye contact. I quickly turned around and headed back to the area i was stood in before.

ᴍᴇ: Hey I know you have the match later but i'm wondering if you want to get some breakfast? I understand if your getting prepared for tonight but let me know asap.

ᴀɴᴛᴏɴʏ: Hey yeah sorry, i'll see you tonight but i'm just hanging out with a friend for the morning so i'll have to pass. See you later.

I switched off my phone. "Where you guys going?" Jesse questioned.

"Oh he's busy with a friend." I replied and i looked at Marcus that had a suspicious face. It was almost like in his head he had a feeling what friend he was with. "I'll just go on my own."

"No, I'll come with you." Marcus replied. He smiled and asked Jess if he wanted to tag along. Jesse relied no as he had been seeing someone, and he seen this as an opportunity to have her alone in the house. Jess said he will make a home cooked breakfast for her and him, but i'm not quite sure we have any food in the house.

Me and Marcus had got ready as fast as possible. Marcus opened the passenger door for me and walked behind the car to head to his seat.

"You know what because i'm nice, you can pick the breakfast restaurant." I said to Marcus.

"Ooo, okay." He laughed slightly. "My mum liked this breakfast place, you don't mind if we go there right?" He questioned.

"You pick Marcus." I smiled at him. He drove and it was around 15 minutes away. It was lovely this area. I had always drove passed here with Jess, but i'd never stopped to try this restaurant. We walked inside and took a seat on a table for two, we ordered a drink while looking at the menu.

"I'll have a water please."
"Me too."

Me and Marcus then ordered our drinks and started looking at the menu. "Now tell me what do you normally get?" I questioned.

"I don't know if the menu has changed, about 10 years since i had been here." He replied as a woman came over to take our food order. "Hi yes, could i get the english breakfast, no mushrooms please?" He stuttered while saying this, the woman was looking at him and I was very confused on what was happening here. Everyone paused for a second and. the women gasped.

"Marcus is that you dear?"

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