ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟠- Us, Together.

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We got home and we sat on the couch.

"So what movie do you want to watch?" He asked.

"Something that i haven't watched before." I replied. He was scrolling through different movies. "I haven't watched that one." I pointed at the television and he pressed play on the film.

I smiled and laid back on the pillow supporting my back.

"Tired?" Marcus looked at me while resting his head back.

"Yeah, it's a bit difficult getting up really early all the time." I chuffed.

"Don't go to the training if you don't want to."

"Yeah but I now have a schedule which i didn't have before." I smiled and yawned.

He smiled. "I had fun today." He said still looking at me.

I closed my eyes as they needed a rest. "Your not as bad as I thought you were Marcus."

I felt his smile run through me. Today was a good day. That's all I remember of that night. I woke up in my bed, Marcus told me he brought me up when I fell asleep. It was now 4 weeks into mine and Antony's relationship and I was falling for him move and move everyday.

ᴀɴᴛᴏɴʏ: Hey i'll be there to pick you up in an hour.

ᴍᴇ: okay see you later❤️

I smiled and got out of bed to get changed. Me and Marcus's relationship was so much better then it used to be. I felt like we were platonic soulmates. We had so many things in common and our chats were just getting better as the days went on. My door opened.

"Morning Y/n you look nice." Marcus rubbed his neck while saying this and paused for a second. "Antony's outside anyway." He walked out to go downstairs, I grabbed my bag and rushed downstairs.

I went and got in his car.

*In the house*

"You guys have been getting on well recently." Jesse said to Marcus.

"Yeah kind of"

"Your always staying up really late together no wonder she said she was tired." He giggled and placed his plate in the sink.

"Jess? The boys are going to a party tonight can I take Y/n and can you come?" He asked.

"My old mates? Of course and Y/ns friends with them right?" He questioned because he didn't want to say yes if i didn't get on with them.

"Friends? They all love her so much." He raised his voice to say this.

"Do you?"

"Umm.. yeah i do actually." He smiled and suddenly realised this was her brother he was speaking to. "I'll message you later about the party. Bye Jess." He sped walked out the door to his car.

*At training*

We walked inside the big building where everyone meets up in the morning. Bruno came running over to me as soon as we walked in. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a different area.

"So there's a party tonight? You coming?" He asked.

"No... I don't have a clue about it."

"Okay just wait for someone to invite you, don't tell anyone I told you about it." He replied.

"Okay..." I was confused but I stuck to what he said.

Marcus then walked into the building, and came straining over to me and Bruno.

"Hey Y/n can we talk?" He asked and Bruno walked away to go and speak to the coaches about training this morning. "Can you come to this party tonight with me?" He said and he was looking at me weirdly as he really wanted me to come.

"Not with you." I said with a straight face, i seen his face drop and he began to turn to walk away. "I'm joking" I burst out laughing. "Of course I'll come with you." I smiled.

"Y/n don't ever do that again!" He shouted but grabbed me to pull me in for a hug.

In the distance, someone shouted training time.

"I'll see you later yeah?" He winked at me and jogged off. I couldn't help myself but to just smile, it's all i could do.

I then sat down to make myself comfortable, they were going to take ages today I knew it. I just sat there roaming around for something to entertain me. I give up, I honestly don't know why I come to these training sessions. I'm bored...


Someone walked in from the door and the way they said this was not a nice way.

"Omg Bruno!" I shouted and ran straight over to him. "What happened?" I placed his arm over my shoulder and took him to one of the pop up beds in the room to lay him down.

"Oh don't worry... I've had this for ages." He was relieved as the pain stopped when he laid.

"Your bleeding." I grabbed a clean cloth off the sides and placed pressure on the cut on his leg. While I was doing this someone ran in from the door.

"Bruno!" Someone shouted while running over. It was Marcus. "Bro are you okay?"

"Yeah..." He said quietly while he was lying there in pain.

"Y/n let me hold it and you go get some bandages out of the cupboard over there." I nodded but as i took the pressure away from his leg, he let out a massive groan. "How long have you had this cut? It looks like it started healing and now it's back to the way it was." Marcus asked him.

"I did it at home" He was struggling to get his words out. "You don't need to know why." He said while trying to position his leg so he was comfortable. I was still looking for bandages around.

"Why wouldn't I want to know?" Marcus giggled.

"All I will say is a knife."

"Okay never-mind don't tell me." Marcus insisted.

Bruno laughed and i found one bandaged left in one of the drawers. "Will this work?" I shown Marcus the size of it and he nodded. Marcus was still applying pressure to the wound.

"Right I'm gonna let go of the cloth now Bruno." He said. "Try to keep still so Y/n can wrap the bandage around your leg." Bruno scrunched his nose and I wrapped his leg, he let out a couple of moans during this but nothing uncontrollable.

"You need to go to the hospital." I said. "Like right now." I shouted at Bruno. One thing I remember about Bruno is he doesn't like busy places. He doesn't like the hospital, shops anything that has many people.

"Let's go." Marcus grabbed Bruno's arm and wrapped it around his neck. "Y/n get the other side."

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