ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟟- Unhappy.

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I had woke up after one of the best nights of my life, we were together. Antony asked me to be his girlfriend at our date last night, i wonder what Jesse will think and even Marcus.

My door slammed open while i was at my desk doing my hair.

"Y/n! Oh your already up." Jesse ran in. "Breakfast is ready. Pancakes your favourite." He smiled.

"i'll be a minute you head down." I smiled back at him.

He then jogged down stairs, and i brushed my hair one last time and walked downstairs. I entered the kitchen and seen Marcus looking up and me while chomping his breakfast.

"How was your date Y/n?" He death stared me while taking a massive gulp.

I was really confused on how he knew, Jesse probably told him thinking he already knew. "It was amazing." I smiled as wide as i could to wind him up.

Marcus banged his arm on the desk which made Jess jump. He turned to look at Marcus and me. "I'll be honest Y/n you have a spark on you today."

"Well it's the Antony Glow." I giggled when he passed me my plate of pancakes.

"So your official then?" Jesse asked raising his eyebrows.

I looked at Marcus. "Yes actually, we are." I smiled and seen Marcus's face drop.

"Awe Im so happy for you." He smiled and came over to hug me.

"Thanks Jess." I hugged him back, Marcus was just stood there in silence slowly chewing his pancakes. "I got to go. Thanks for the pancakes i grabbed my bag and headed for the door."

"Where you going?" Jesse questioned.

"Antony's taking me to training." I grinned and winked at Marcus. He was so easy to wind up. That look on his face was driving me insane. I got in the car.

"Hi." I said with a massive smile on my face at him. Even though I had Marcus in the back of my head, I was still over the moon about being Antony's girlfriend.

"Hey you look nice." He smiled and drove off.

I felt so happy, We talked like we had a universe of things to talk about. We were both so sad when the car drive was over, it was one of them drives that you just want to last forever.

We both got out of the car and Marcus just entered the parking lot.

"Is he in a good mood or bad mood today?" Antony asked me about Marcus.

"He acted a bit cold this morning but i'm sure he's fine."

He opened the door for me and Bruno came running over to me. He dragged me to an area where no one's else was.

"So.." He opened his eyes really wide. I didn't know he knew about the date. "The date? With Antony?"

"Oh sorry i didn't know you knew." I huffed.

"Of course I did, I'm your top bridesmaid at your wedding." He laughed.

"I hope so. Anyway we're now official." Marcus then entered the building and walked over to Antony, Luke and Harry. Bruno hugged me and picked me up, he spun me around. While he was doing this Erik walked in and told everyone it was time for training, he placed me on the floor.

"I want to know everything after training okay?"

"Yes of course see you later." I smiled. He walked off and Marcus walked towards me.

"I don't feel well want to go home?" He asked.

"You didn't say you didn't feel well at home." I crossed my arms.

"Can we just spend some time together?" Marcus asked. He seemed like he was up to something.

"Won't you get into some type of trouble?" I asked in concern. He grabbed my hand and guided me to the door. "What do i do about Antony he's supposed to be taking me home?"

"Don't worry about it let's go." I got in his car. I was in silence. "So let's go somewhere. What you want to eat?"

"You do realise you just lied to your coach about being ill to take me somewhere, and you don't even know where we are going!" I shouted. I was angry. Antony doesn't even know we left and football should come first. "Let's go back."

"No. Oh here's a restaurant get out let's go."

I got out and we got a table. We ordered our food and stayed in there until it was dark. I knew so much about him now, we had so much in common. It was so worth it in the end.

"And obviously I didn't understand because I was a kid and..." Mu phone bleeped and interrupted our conversation. "Sorry it's just... oh no it's Antony."

ᴀɴᴛᴏɴʏ: Seemed like you left early. Is everything okay?"

"Just ignore it for now." He said.

"I can't just ignore it, he's my.."

"Boyfriend yeah I know but we are creating a bond here." He looked at me with puppy eyes so i had to give in.

I placed my phone upside down on the table and took another sip of water.

"Shall we go watch a movie at home? Jesses out tonight i think."

I agreed and headed home.

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