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"Control." Reyes breathed in, the group sitting in a circle, majority following Reyes instructions.

In between Sam and Illyana sat Athena, wearing a thick hoodie, the hood hiding the bruises across her face and stomach.

"Control." Reyes repeated, Athena's shaky fingers gripping her thighs. Each breath Athena took the shakier her stature became the harsh beating she took last night making it difficult to breath properly. Athena knew she had broken at least a couple of ribs but what was she supposed to say her dead brother had come back to beat the hell out of her.

Reyes continued repeating, Illyana the first to notice, electric sparks had begun to radiate across Athena's arms and legs like waves. The stressed girl had even forgot to wear her gloves making her currents stronger. Soon Roberto had noticed as well attracting the attention of Rahne who attracted the attention of Dani. Sam was the last to notice hearing her breathing increase.

"Thene." Sam breathed glancing at Athena anxiously, calling her name, the second time Athena responding opening her eyes her usual brown pupils an electric blue colour the girl breathing hoarsely.

"Athena calm down. What's wrong?" Sam asked gaining Reyes attention who quickly stood up hurrying to the girl, tears pouring down Athena's face.

"Athena just breathe." Reyes comforted holding her hands out keeping her distance from the electric girl who continued to hyperventilate.

"We all need to ru- run. It's not safe.. demons lurk these corridors. They're going to kill us all." Athena mumbled in a hushed tone, digging her nails into her thighs anxiously.

"Athena have you taken your medication today?" Reyes asked agitating the girl.

"No. No! You're not listening to me." Athena cursed standing up, her hoodie lifting up slightly to reveal the deep bruising on her lower torso, Dani gasping. Athena quickly pulled her sweater back down hurrying out of the room. Her nails had dug so deep into her skin, blood had begun to trickle down her thighs.

Athena turned corners swiftly till she had reached the bathroom breathing heavily as she paced across the tiled floors. "It's not real. It's not real. It was just a dream." Athena ran her fingers through her hair, lifting her hoodie confirming the dark purple bruises.

The whispers grew in her head dramatically when she had looked into the mirror her reflection staring back at her. Suddenly Anthony's distorted figure glitched behind her. "F*ck." Athena screamed forming her spear digging it into the mirror shattered glass scattering across the floor some cutting into her legs.

Athena's view shifted down to broken shards, crying out when Anthony's face still remained in the reflections. Athena backed herself against the wall shakily, sliding down to hold knees closely to her chest. She pulled her headphones on delicately burying her head into her knees waiting until the nightmare was over.

Dani was the first to find her crouching beside Athena attempting to remove her headphones eventually succeeding yet Athena didn't move.

"Dani he's going to kill me, just let me die." Athena muttered tremors running through her hands, waves of electricity skimming her skin.

"Athena you're not going to die, I promise." Dani reached under Athena's right side helping her up, supporting majority of her weight. "Here." Dani slipped Athena's headphones back on, carrying her out of the bathroom. If Athena was honest the next few hours were a blur her body was numb from shock she could guess.

A few hours later she had woken up in the infirmary, restrained to the bed as usual. Dr Reyes walked in soon after noticing Athena's clear agitation.

"I'm not going to kill myself. Please release these Reyes." Athena deadpanned pulling at the restraints, noticing her stomach had been bandaged.

"Athena what you are experiencing is trauma. Sometimes this leads to self harm-

"How do you suppose I got these bruises by punching myself." Athena spat laying back defeated. "Besides if I were really going to kill myself you'd think I would've succeeded." Athena deadpanned staring at the dull ceiling.

"Athena you will have to remain here for at least overnight, so I can monitor you. I'll return in the morning, in the meantime I'm happy to provide sleeping pills-

"I won't be sleeping. I'll see you in the morning doc." Athena snarked laying her head back painfully, waiting as the door clicked signalling that Reyes had left.

ELECTRIC LOVE; Sam GuthrieWhere stories live. Discover now