Meeting others

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Venus followed Leo and they climbed down to the sewer.

"You live in the sewer?"

"Yes, it's not so bad as you think."

Five minutes walk made them reach the lair.

"Woah, good place."

Venus commented excited.

"Leo, where have you been so long-"

Raph froze when he saw a mutant turtle girl in kimono standing by Leo.

"Raph, Venus. Venus, Raph."

"Nice to meet you."

She said smiling.


By his yelling, Mikey and Donnie came too.

"Oh my god, oh my god, OH MY GOD!! A GIRL TURTLE!!"

"A girl turtle? Is that possible?!"

The youngest brother jumped and gave Venus a big hug.

"I believed this will happen!!"

"Mikey, Venus is upset."

"Your name is Venus? Very cool! It's like our names!"


"Yeah! We were named after great Renaissance artists! Venus is the name of the Greece statue, isn't it?"

"What is going on?"

Splinter walked to his sons hearing all these noises.

"Sensei, look!"

Splinter stopped, seeing a turtle girl in black kimono.

"Your father is a rat?!"

Venus whispered to Leo in surprise.

"Yes, he is also our master."

"I see."

Venus walked to Splinter and bowed politely.

"Hello, Splinter-san. My name is Venus and I'm from Japan. I came here to find my true family."


"Yes, I lived with another family for many years. But three days ago, I was said I'm not related. They told me they found me in New York. So I thought I might meet my true family here. Maybe you're the one I was looking for?"

"Hmmm...I don't remember there was another turtle when I got mutated."

"It's easy to check. Using my DNA test machine..."

Donnie said showing his inventions, but Venus screamed and hid behind Splinter.


"I...I don't like machines..."

"Don't worry, I just take some cells from you and..."

"NO! No...please..."

"Donatello, she is scared."

" don't appreciate me too. that's pretty sad."

"I'm sorry...I really have a fear of machines..."

"Don't worry. No one will hurt you. You can live here relaxing."

"Sensei, are you really going to accept this GIRL? Maybe she is a shredder's trap!"

"Oh come on, Raph. How this pretty girl can be a spy!"

"Shredder can create every crazy plan."

"What is Shredder?"

Venus asked confused. Everyone silenced for a second.

"See? She even doesn't know who is it!"

"But maybe she is acting!"

"Enough, Raph. She helped me from enemies, so she is probably not working at Shredder."

Said Leo with his arms crossed.

"I think it will be fine to accept Ms. Venus as our family. And you can learn many things from girls."

"Yes!! Finally, I have a sister!"

Mikey yelled happily.

"Thank you, master Splinter."

Venus said smiling.

"My pleasure. Now, Leonardo. What have you been doing all this time?"


"He was caught by a girl with crazy make-up like Kabuki. So I helped him."

Venus said. Splinter raised his eyebrow looking at Leo.

"Is that true, Leonardo?"


Splinter walked to him and hit the poor leader's head with his stick. Other brothers laughed.

"Why is that Kabuki girl trying to catch you?"

Venus questioned after Splinter went to the dojo.

"Karai is a daughter of our enemy, Shredder. She leads foot clan."

Answered Donnie.

"Yes, and our stupid leader is very into her!"

Raph yelled angrily. Leo blushed cheek little.

"But...she is enemy. I think it's not a good thing."

"Ha, it's not a good thing. It's a BAD thing!"

"Yeah, but it's impossible to stop someone loving! Let's go, sis! I'll show you some comics!"

Mikey guided Venus to the living, taking her hand.

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