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My father was never like that. But this time, he took it too far. Maybe he was just angry about something, and he will calm down after all this?

He never did this, not for me, not for my sisters. He always treated us like princesses. Everyone looked shocked about what happened, and so was I. My sisters were sitting there, not daring to say a word after they saw what Dad did to me. And maybe yeah, I was too. But he took it too far.

I could see their faces. They were scared as hell. My relationship with my sisters was good. I mean, it's normal, like any sister. We're not that close to each other. I don't tell them secrets, neither do they. We're just normal with each other.

The fact, did he just slap me? I cried more. I couldn't stop myself from crying. It was the worst day ever. He never touched us, never in his whole life. Even if I got bad grades, he would comfort us, saying it's going to be fine.

Everyone went outside, except my 'mother' and dad. I walked towards the mirror to see my face red. "What? Are you happy now? Are you fucking happy? You ruined everything," I yell at my 'mom.'

"No te atrevas a hablarle a tu madre de esa manera, ¿entendido? Esta es mi última advertencia para ti, Molly, porque estoy muy decepcionado contigo. Eres tan desagradecida. Las hijas educadas no le hablan así a su madre, ¿sí?"

His face turned red. God damn it, I couldn't stand this anymore. Seeing him yelling at me like I'm a fucking object in front of them, her smirking feeling so satisfied because he's yelling at me and me?

I'm only listening to them not saying any single word. Why would they do this to me? One time Dad found one of my sisters was talking to a boy, he just punished her by taking her phone for a week.

Why would he do this to me? Why do they hate me that much? I need answers to all those questions spinning in my mind right now.

"What, I'm just like those people! I just want to be like them, is it illegal to live with the person you love? I mean, didn't you do the same when you were my age? Everyone has to have a lover in their life! Or oh, sorry, all people can expect me. That's all nonsense, Dad," I burst out.

They're yelling at me like I'm an animal. Even animals don't get yelled at like me right now, even though I'm sure they're treated better.

"You know what? You are not going anywhere anymore. You are staying in this house until I decide whenever you can go out and you cannot. And that boy you call 'boyfriend,' forget him, delete him from your memory, Molly. You don't have a lover and nothing from that bullshit. Go find something better to do than go living like a whore with some bitch."

He snatches away the phone from my hand, "Oh, and one more thing, forget about something called college, okay." He spoke again before all of them left the room, leaving me here shocked, heartbroken, abruptly standing, not even realizing what just happened right now.

I feel like I'm in a dream. I wish I was though. I wish that was all a dream so I could wake up from this nightmare.

What just happened? All my life is ruined now. I can't think of anything anymore. The love of my life is now my ex because of what happened.

My dad, for the first time since I was born, hit me. All my family hates me now. Am I that 'bad'? I thought to myself, I'm such a dumbass that I faced time him in like this time.

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