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Warning.. blood

I was sore because of yesterday, I woke up and went down as usual. No one was here, and everything was already in its place where the house was clean. What happened? Where's everyone? Why is there no one here?

"Love you're awake?" Romeo says, entering the door

"Romeo, where's everyone? Where were you?" I ask curiously, I tried to be calm, but for real, my anger issues these days are getting over me.

"Amore, calm down. I had something to do, and I'm back.. don't you have university today?" He grabs part of my hair and smells it.

"Your hair smells like lavender. Is that the shampoo I got you?" He smirks.

"Romeo, yes. But I have university after one hour, I need to get a shower and be ready. I'm sorry I'll see you after." I kiss his cheek and leave.

I took a hot bath and wore some normal clothes to see what I should wear for university today.

I don't love this weather it was somehow cloudy outside, and this weather makes me angry for no reason, and now I don't know what to wear. Wow, what a lovely day.

"Are you okay, love?" Romeo enters the door, I lift my head and pout.

"I don't know what to wear, I hate this weather."

He starts laughing as he comes closer to me, "Love, it's okay. Let me choose for you something to wear." He starts searching in my closet, I sit on the bed waiting for him like a little girl.

"Look, I got you this. It's a cute, oversized hoodie. It's all good love." He says, grabbing a black oversized hoodie.

"Romeo, you're genius. Thanks!" I take it from his hands.

Okay, let's get change. Romeo left the room. I placed my hoodie and went to university. I didn't see Romeo, so I left without talking to him.

"Good morning." One of the girls says as I enter. Um, that's weird because they never talk to me. I don't have that many friends there..

"Good morning." I reply in a calm way.

"Um, just a question, you're Romeo's Jones girlfriend?" They all look at me, confused what?

"Um, why?" I ask, I'm confused as fuck right now.

"Please can you let us have a date with him!! We saw your picture with him! Maybe you can let us have a date with him?" They smile like a horny bitches.

"What picture's." I say ignoring the fact that they just asked if I can settle them a date with him. Dumb fuckers.

"Um the pictures from his birthday, it's all on social media and newspaper." She opens her phone and shows me the caption and it says,

"Romeo Jones birthday, and his sister Romy with him are celebrating their birthday. And is it seems there's to be someone new in Romeo's life.. who's the lucky girl that got to date the hotest man, the leader of Italian/ Russian mafia, the heartless one. We'll find out and we'll keep you all in charge."

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