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𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒅𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈

"I'm going to show you what I can do to you, my wife," he says as he undresses.

I didn't want my first time to be like this. I wanted it to be with the love of my life, even if it was with my husband. What can I do right now? How can I escape from all of this? I'm still a virgin.

"Undress right now," he demands.

"No, please, look, I swear I won't do anything. I'm a virgin, and -"

He cuts me off, "Still a virgin, huh? Good, then. I'll be the one who takes your virginity."

I run towards the door, trying to open it, but it's already locked. "Looking for this?" He holds the keys in his hand.

"I hate you. Let me out! Let me out from here, you pedophile!" I yell at him, slapping his face. Oh no, what did I do?

He grabs my hands and starts undressing me, "You just slapped me. Now, your consequences are much more severe. Don't move or start crying like a baby, I told you, I don't like these things, all right?" He's on top of me now.

I try to break free from his grip, but I'm too weak. His strength immobilizes me.

I feel disgusted with myself.

But then he's inside me, rough and relentless, even though he knows it's my first time. He slaps me in the face, one hand covering my mouth to silence my cries. Tears stream down my face in fear and pain. He removes his hand. I just need some space, I want to breathe. I can't bear the pain anymore.

"I beg you, stop, it's hurting me. I can't take it anymore, please," I plead, overwhelmed. I need this to end now. I want someone to pinch me and wake me up from this cruel nightmare.

But it's not a dream. It's real.

"You're so hot, you know? I'll leave you for now, go clean yourself up and make me something to eat. Get up. And don't think I'm being soft with you, yeah? Next time, I'll make your legs sore. Maybe I should invite my friends one day, and they'll join me," he says as he pushes me aside and leaves the room.

I went to take a shower just to get cleaned. Screw my life, and I want to die. I slap my hands on the wall and cry the shit out of me. But I should be stronger than that. I will make his life hell. I will escape here even though it will take me months and years.

Blood was everywhere, he touched me, he fucking raped me! And I'll make him pay for that. He doesn't know me yet.

I went out of the bathroom and put on some pajamas. It was my favorite because my grandma got me it on my 17th birthday, and by now, she's dead. And why I love her so much is because she was the only one who truly loved me. And this was the last thing I had from her.

We lost her because she had a heart attack right after my birthday. I miss her. I wish she was with me right now. All my dad's family hates me, and I don't have many relatives, only two aunts who I don't know either.

My grandfather was already dead since I was a little girl, and as I said, my grandma died when I was seventeen. She was the only one who loved me that much.

From my mom's side, I had nobody. Mom was the only child of her parents, and they died when she got married. They say they saw them dead on the ground, and no one knows what happened to them.

I went down to the kitchen and made him some soup, and my legs and my body were trembling. Damn it, will things get worse after everything just happened right now?

I just made him some soup because I wasn't hungry, or even I didn't have the appetite to eat anything today.

I went to the other room he was sitting in, "Here I-I made you some so- soup," I stammered. I didn't want to show him I was weak, but I couldn't help my body or my mind. I felt myself frozen.

"Are you messing with me right now? You're so dumb. Why did I even get to marry someone like you? If I knew you would be that dumb, I wouldn't take you. Get out of my face now. And I only married you for your hot body, stupid girl." He slapped me on the face and threw the soup on my pajamas. Of course, for my body.

"No!" I yelled, "Why would you do this? I hate you, I hope you burn in hell."

He laughed at me and slapped me more. I wish I knew how to stand up for myself. "Go, go, you dumb girl, do me a favor and go sleep. And fix that language." He pushed me aside, and I just did what he said.

I don't want to get slapped anymore.

But what did he think? I'm gonna make him pizza or what the fuck? After what he just did to me. He rapes me and slaps the shit out of me and he wants me to do him chicken or any of that.

I went to the bathroom, washed my pajamas, changed my clothes, and went to sleep. Because I was really tired and I had zero energy to do anything right now.

I just wanted to sleep and get some rest, so that this day would just end. I wish I had a better life and a better family, a family who cares about their daughter.

Why are they treating me like this? Am I not their real child? Why do they always compare me to my sisters? Just tell me, who the hell sold their daughter to a creepy man?

I'm wondering how much he paid for my dad, so he directly sold me without even thinking. I want to sleep. I want to escape reality.

Am I not their real child? Why do they always compare me to my sisters? Just tell me, who the hell sold their daughter to a creepy man?

I'm wondering how much he paid for my dad, so he directly sold me without even thinking. I want to sleep. I want to escape reality.

That's life. It's where you learn lessons from. From your mistakes. But hey, for me? I'm so stupid. I should've left that day, ran away to where God would take me. I never thought of that, I could've done it. Escaped. Left. Maybe I should just kill myself?

Seconds later, I didn't realize that my eyes were shutting down, and I was sleeping already.

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