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It's been days since I'm in bed doing nothing. After that day, that night.. I was shocked, I didn't eat that much and I didn't want to see no one. Except him, Romeo. He was always there with me, I never except that Romeo Jones, my enemy, would treat me this way, would be this soft with me. Especially that he's heartless, he has no mercy for no one, cold heart..

But he saved me, he did so many good and bad things for me. But from today on, everything will change! And I'll change. I wanna be better, I wanna be like those girls who go to university, start their own business, work, and gain money, I don't wanna be like this anymore.

I'll talk to Jane and we'll both go to college, it's my fucking dream to be a model, fashion is my weakness. And I'm willing for it, no matter what I'll be a model and everyone will be talking about me how famous I am, how everyone loves my work. I'll make my dream come true no matter how much it will cost me.

And I as Molly Williams, starting from today, there will be a new Molly. I'll start collage and be a successful model, I'll prove everyone wrong. I'll prove them who I am.

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"Morning Romeo." I yawn exhausted, but feeling really good today I'm in a good mood for no reason. That's strange.

I have the energy to do anything right now, even though I'm exhausted. I'm really weird.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Romeo kisses my forehead and hands me breakfast.

"You made me breakfast?" I look at him with doe eyes.

"Yea, baby, eat before the tea gets cold." He toothy smiles at me.

"Romeo, I need to say something." I took his hand before he went.

"Yes, love?" He turns around and sits beside me on the bed.

"Romeo, I want to continue and go to university. I want to be like those girls who have their own business, I want to go to college like a normal girl, I want to be a model when I grow up. I wanna have my own business, and I want to be successful."

"Oh god, Molly, are you kidding? Woah, that's amazing love! I'm gonna support you always, and I'm here for you no matter what." He took me in his arms as he spins me around in joy and happiness.

"Romeo, thank you, I know." I kiss his lips.

"Okay, let's start going, babe." He puts me down, and I nod. Romeo leaves the room, and I eat.

"But shoot I don't have enough money to pay for university I mean I saved money but they ain't enough to pay for three fucking years." I sigh. Did I say that too loud? Nevermind. I'm talking to myself these days.

Anyway, I'll go pay for one year for now and then I'll see what I'll do with the rest. Basically, my major is 'modeling', and it takes three years to finish, and that's good it's not that long time.

I let out a sigh. I went to take a shower. Finishing, I placed on a simple, cute outfit and left. I was nervous yet excited, it's my first time going to a university after all this time. Maybe I won't have friends there? Oh, stop, you idiot. How I will not have? When they know who I am.

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