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Let her into that bowl of water." One of Romeo's men said.

Goddamn, I really hate you, Romeo. If this dumb boy didn't say shit, this wouldn't happen right now. 

If Romeo didn't want it to be private, maybe that man wouldn't have asked me to do that, right? 

But the most important question is, do I want to do this? I've never imagined in my whole life that I'd be doing this. I wasn't raised like that yet, I have to do it now to gain some money, and then I'll start my own work. I'm already doing it, so screw it. 

Romeo's body was tense as he looked at me the whole way before I started teasing him.

I nodded at the man and said, "Sure, big boy." I tease in a seductive voice. 

Romeo couldn't say a word to that man. His face turned red, he was angry, and I loved it for no reason. That's what he gets for making me give him and his men a private show. 

I entered that bowl of water. "Holy shit," I murmured under my breath.

It was hot, and it felt so good. I started performing in it, getting up, and my whole body was wet. I was too wet, and Romeo couldn't stop looking; hence, he was too furious about it.

Before he could say a word, he said, "I need her now." He commands.

It was a rule that they couldn't touch me, but I could just sit on their laps and seduce them, which was a good thing, actually. Except if they ask and pay more, that means they can do whatever they want for me. 

Do it, Molly. Do it, that's your job.

I was uncomfortable doing this, but screw it, I'll think about it later. Right now, I need to focus. This job is the only thing that can save my life right now. I need that money.

"Oh hell nah, fuck this shit." Romeo lifted my body in one hand like I weighed nothing. Wow, of course he could do that. Look at his muscles. His touch sent shivers through my body. It was rough but soft at the same time.

Thank you for that, Romeo. You did something good once in your life.

"I'm not going to let you do this to her, you dumb fucker." Romeo spat with anger in his tone and, let's say, a bit of jealousy.

He took him outside the club, and all of his male friends went behind him. He was holding him by his chest. Damn, this is getting spicy. Is he jealous? 

"Then don't come again with your friends stupid. You could've made it private." I mumble.

"What?" He lifted an eyebrow.

"Nothing, what do you want?"

"I need you in my house tomorrow night at 1 p.m. And that's your money." Romeo says, trying not to show his smirk.

As he handed me the money, it was about $1,000. I mean, that was good, yeah? But wait, did he just say he wants me at his home tomorrow.

I swear, I hate that man. I hate him. 

"Can't another girl go, sir?" I raise my eyebrow.

"No, I need you. We'll have fun, I promise." He winks and leaves.

I swear, I can't believe him. Antony looked at me and nodded, and I understood what he meant. 

He wants me to agree to this, or I'll lose my job. Fuck this shit, I don't even care. What will happen? 

"Hey Molly, be ready, and tell Jane to be too. You have a show to perform, okay? Be ready in twenty minutes." Antony said goodbye and left. Wow, that's nice. I need a new set; I'll ask Jane if she has one. 

Jane is good. She's kind, cute, and friendly. There's also another girl, but I don't know her so well since she isn't with us all the time. I went to Jane, I hope she has another set. I need one.

"Hey Jane, Antony said we should be ready in twenty minutes to perform. But I need another set, then this one, do you have one?" I asked her in a low voice. 

I toothy smile. "Alright, yeah, sure, I have. You can have one. I'll show you them. You choose one." She smiles at me.

She's adorable. Girls like Jane shouldn't be here. I mean, she's about my age, why is she working here?

Doesn't she have a family or something? Forget it. I'll ask her about it later. Hmm, which one should I choose?

"I think I'll take the first one." I gave her a smile, and she gave it to me. The first one is amazing. 

We finished performing, and it was fine, but there were not so many people. "Jane! How much money did you get?" I want to know so badly. 

"I got $800; it's good to be honest; I've never collected that money in a long time. What about you?" Jane asks in amusement.

How can she be so kind? 

"Oh, that's great! Well, I got $500, but that's good, but I mean, I've collected for now in my whole day $1500." I reply, smiling.

"Hey, Molly, can I ask you something?" Her voice stammers. Jane was the only girl who loved me in this club.

"Jane, you don't need to ask me directly. Ask me the question, "Sure, love, what happened?" I ask with a worried tone.

"Yeah, don't worry, I just wanted to ask if I could stay at your house today." Her voice lowered at the last words she said.

"Baby, of course you can come on. Let's pack our things and go." I say, giving her some motivation. 

● ● ●

"Here, from this way," I said, taking her things, and we made our way to the salon.

It was about 12 a.m. Night. I've never slept this long. I always go to sleep at 3 a.m., or sometimes I don't. It depends on how my mood goes.

We need a shower, for sure. 

"Hey Jane, I have three bathrooms; you can use the bathroom that is next to my room; let's take a shower; then we can sit down and talk if you want, of course, and if you are not sleepy or something. Because I don't sleep at this time, I usually sleep at three or something. It depends on how my mood goes, and right now, I'm happy I earned some cash." I say, making a silly face.

I wanted to have a little chat with her. I wanted to know about her life - why she's working there, where her family lives, everything about her. 

"Yes, me too! Neither am I, to be honest, and sure, we can chat and have fun, but I need a friend to talk to." She let out a laugh.

It's like a forceful laugh, but it's full of sadness. I felt my heart narrow when she said she needed a friend to talk to. She doesn't have friends, or what? 

"Hey, I have curly hair, so it'll take some time for me to finish my shower." She says yes and goes to the bathroom.

Jane was beautiful. She was Burnett, with brown eyes, brown wavy/curly hair, and dimples, which is my favorite part about her. She does have a kind heart, and as I said, she's friendly. She's not mean or rude to anyone. 

I guess I'll go take a shower and make something to eat because I'm starving.

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