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New day, new me, babes.

"Jane, wake up. I'm so excited!" I shook Jane in excitement. She's going to kill me.

"Girl, are you okay? What in the world happened?" She yawns stretching.

"Let's get dressed, we have so many things to do today, plus we should get you a boyfriend, baby." I took her hands and let her out of bed.

"Molly! Why are you excited like this this morning? Your period finished, right?" She screams in the pillow.

We put on our outfits they were simple, tank tops with shorts.

"Oh, you look hot." I wink, she blushes.

She chuckles, "Get in the car we should go." I got my car keys and we both went to the car.

"Why are we parking in front of a tattoo shop?" Jane asks, confused.

"Because we're getting tattoos dummy, don't say a word. Get out." I say, not letting her say any word.

Little does she know we are here to get tattoo's, and boyfriends.

"Hey ladies, how's it may I help you?" A man offers help. And fuck who's that hottie? There were two, but one of them caught my eyes.

"We're here to get tattoo's both of us." I say smiling.

"Sure you with the white shirt come with me and your friend or I don't who is this girl with you he'll take here." He says pointing at us.

I wanted to smirk so hard I tried not to, I looked at Jane her face was red lol why she's blushing?

I wink at her and we both went apart with those men.

He had long hair, and I'm uessing it's a wolf hair cut and some surfer curtains, those browny small eyes, his soft pink lips. He had muscles, tattoo's on his body but not that much.

He got piercing in his nose, and in his ears; damn he was hot. He's tall, about 5'9 meh, he's good. he was in a white tank top and a grey sweatpants, and my frickin weakness, his shoes, nike force, he had some accessories, like necklaces, rings, and some bracelets And here I am scanning him fuck.

The second one who took Jane, ah, was cute?... but not my type.

He was blonde, had hazel eyes, and tall hair, and his body also had some tattoo's, he wore only a necklace and a cute jewelry bracelet. He was wearing a blue top, with white shorts, and also white running shoes.

We both went apart as I said.. "Hey, sit here, and wait for me. I just need to sanitize the items." He says, pointing to me where I should sit.

"Well, can I get your name pretty one?" He turns his head, looking at me from the end of his eyes.

Damn did he really call me pretty? This is getting exciting.

"Sure, I'm Molly, Molly Williams. What about you?" I ask, showing a small smile.

"Well, pretty name for a pretty lady, mine Daniel Roberts."

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