Chapter 11: You are Special

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Wei Ying's POV

It has been a while since me and Lan Zhan found that weird prism thing Xichen-gege told us a while later he found a book in there but trying to figure it out is difficult, so me and Lan Zhan have been living with this power for a while now, is still weird to us but we are getting use to it but the origins of it are unknown so we don't really know much about it right now me and Lan Zhan are going to Lotus Pier, I haven't told Senior Sister or Cheng-Cheng about this hope they are not weirded out or anything.

Jiang Yanli: Wei Ying!

Wei Ying: Hey Senior-Sister...

Jiang Yanli: Is there something wrong?

Wei Ying: Just some weird things going on I will explain in a while right now I just wanna try to get my mind off it...

Jiang Yanli: Is ok A-xian take all the time you need

No One's POV

After a while Wei Ying told JY and JC about the prism thing and all that, but they were both supportive no matter what. Since Wei Ying is staying for a while because he wants to get is mind off Gusu he says we just wants to hang out with his siblings and Lan Zhan. After a while the Jiang siblings realized a what they and Wei Ying know about the prism power so far, but they ignore is much as they can.

Lan Zhan's POV

Me and Wei Ying are staying at Lotus Pier for a while, because of everything going on I been focused on my studies, but is nice going out with Wei Ying and the others for a little while.

Wei Ying: Is not joke when they call it here Lotus Pier, the lotus are beautiful

Jiang Yanli: I love their beautiful petals and shape, if I ever get a flower I would wanted to be a lotus.

Jiang Cheng: The lotus are pretty, I don't know what I would do if I was born elsewhere.

Wei Ying: I wish I could of been here maybe we could of all been even closer than we are, I love it here, but I love Gusu so much.

Jiang Yanli: They are both beautiful, would you guys like to eat


Lan Zhan: I would like to eat as well and I agree, both Gusu and Lotus Pier are beautiful

Jiang Yanli: Glad you agree Lan Zhan

As we eat in the dinner table Wei Ying starts making little stars with his hands

Jiang Cheng: How are you doing that?

Wei Ying: Remember the prism thing?

Jiang Cheng: Yea

Wei Ying: Since I got its power I can manipulate it how I want, I don't know how to use it as well though, but I learned how to do these stars they are harmless so.

Jiang Cheng: That's is so cool, have you learned anything like that Lan Zhan?

Lan Zhan: I have learned this *created a tiny blue flame in his hand* is really small so I can't exactly burn anything with it.

Jiang Yanli: That is quite incredible, A-xian you finished eating?

Wei Ying: Yes! Thank Senior-Sister! Lan Zhan do you like it?

Lan Zhan: Mhm

Wei Ying: Senior-Sister's cooking is the best! *hugs him*

Lan Zhan: *ears turn red*

Wei Ying: Eheh *hair starts to glow red on the tips*

Lan Zhan: *hair starts to glow blue on the tips*

Jiang Cheng: Why is your guy's hair glowing

Wei Ying: It only happens when me and Lan Zhan are in physical contact nothing happens it just glows. *lets go of him and hair stops glowing along with Lan Zhan's*

JF: Kids is time for you guys to go to sleep and as requested you guys can have a sleepover, but you should all sleep now.

Jiang Yanli: Yes father, c'mon! *drags them to the room they are gonna sleep in*

Wei Ying: Woah you can see the glowing Lotus from here and the stars are beautiful too.

Jiang Yanli: It had to be special Cheng-Cheng's and my stuff had been moved here for the sleepover

Jiang Cheng: You know what we should do?

Wei Ying: What is it?

Jiang Cheng: We should tell some stories or something

We passed the time telling stories for a while forgetting about sleeping time (No Lan Zhan can stay up for longer time here)

Jiang Yanli: Is quite late maybe we should rest now

Wei Ying: Ok then goodnight

No One's POV

At night Wei Ying was quite restless actually he still wished he knew what kind of power he held in him. He finally got tired enough to sleep though

Wei Ying: Hello?

Lan Zhan: Hello?

Wei Ying: Lan Zhan? Where are we

Lan Zhan: I wish I knew, but I don't know

???: In the monarch core

Then Wei Ying and Lan Zhan woke up at the same time.


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