Chapter 20: Imagining it Could Be Me

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Lan Zhan's POV

I imagine sometimes, in the Lan Sect we all have been taught to be formal, and aloof. Only smile when you have to, I am not going to lie some of the rules are extreme, and Wei Ying follows the rules... well almost. In the end, I can never help but envy those who are normal. I could never take the life I got for granted, but a feeling of longing that I can't get rid of. Specially after my mother's death, I have always waited for her outside ever since even though I know she will never come see me again, I will admit am quite exhausted

"Hey Lan Zhan are you ok?" My thoughts were interrupted suddenly by no one other than Wei Ying.

"We have to meet up with the other clans, why are you so lost in thought?" Wei Ying said

"I sometimes envy others that have more freedom, and less rules in their lives, I can never take this like for granted but I just want to see what a normal life is like"

"Hey is understandable to sometimes feel envy for others, but you know if you weren't here you wouldn't have an amazing uncle, brother, and I wouldn't have been your best friend" Wei Ying says to me in a calm tone.

"Now come on, we need to meet with the rest of the clans" Wei Ying says getting up helping me up.

"Thanks Wei Ying"

"No problem"

I thought the day would go semi-normal after that oh how wrong I was. Wei Ying got into a fight with the peacock, well Jin Zixuan, Wei Ying calls him that way and I am not sure why but he does. We decided to go in the town after Wei Ying's punishment, I saw some kids my age running around seeing how they could be themselves without carrying so much responsibility. I kind of wished it could be me.

"Lan Zhan" Wei Ying said suddenly.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know, just seeing those kids our age with no responsibilities like us, I can't lie but it makes me, a little envious" I replied. "I wonder if I could of had a normal family and see my mom and dad together as me and my brother play and bicker, but I will admit I can't complain so I will leave it at that."

Nothing very interesting happened that day, at night Wei Ying like always couldn't sleep, Lan Zhan for whatever reason was awake way past his bedtime.

"Lan Zhan, can you come with me?" Wei Ying said to me as he dragged me outside. Honestly I didn't question much considering no one was awake so we were free to roam around.

"Let's just live a little you know?" Wei Ying sat down playing with some bunnies. "Come on I know you like them you aren't exactly subtle."

Wei Ying's POV

Ah Lan Zhan and his like to bunnies, is honestly quite adorable. I saw Lan Zhan's ears turn red. "Come on let's play with them for a while." I said also feeling a bit bold kissing his cheek. "Wei Ying." Lan Zhan said to me as his ears turned a darker red.

Omg an update? What the fuck yea, I am not dead just unmotivated please don't come after me 😃✌️ (Y'all dropped this 👑)

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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