Ace "The demon"

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Bystanders pov

Ace. The name that haunts Cybertron to its core. Or... Atleast at that's what everyone say.

Ace is an horrifying bot to say the least. "The demon that killed her own family"

People hate her, I mean, can you blame them? After everything she's done.

There are a lot of stories of her, she has become some sort of horror to teach bots a lesson. ("...eaten by a giant space monster" -blades)

Though her story remains the same.

She was a normal bot before the world just like everyone, she lived with her protector, Nova and brother, Steeljaw. Though some where along the lines she used dark enegon on herself and it changed her into a monster.

Nova, steeljaw and and 3 unidentified bots were found dead with an a scary amount of scratch and claw marks. As if it was done by an animal.

She was found by law inforsers standing over the corpses and her servos stained in aquamarine blue energon.

With backup from Ares they managed to arrest her and contain her.

Ares convinced everyone to keep her alive and instead use her to their advantage. The put her in the pits where she fought against gladiators in fatal combats.

Ive heard that they used her to "get rid" of problematic people, and by "get rid" I mean kill.

Oddly enough her appearance started to change to darker shades and the sides of her purple optics were black, like a spreading virus.

Unfortunately this came to an end as her next opponent was a bot going by the name "Megatronus".

After a long fight, he managed to bring her down to surrender. That shocked the whole crowd including Ares among them.

Nobody knows exactly what happened after that fight, but there are conspiracies that soon to be Megatron convinced Ace to join a group called "decepticons" and she did.

Not too long after the war broke out, and Ace escaped the pits and joined Megatron, where she happily went on killing everyone who she pleased.

Years went on and her appearance changed more and more. Her coulers changed to black and purple. Her jet wings on her back came to look more like actual wings. Her tail had a sword like tip and somehow she got another set of "arms" as they were much more claw like. Her face changed to, it changed to her having a type of snout with sharp fangs in a creepy wide smile that she had most of the time.

As the war with on to the point where bots started leaving Cybertron, Ace was instructed to kill an Autobot called Phoenix (more on him soon), though things went South after both of them went missing.

Who knows?

A group of Autobots are planning to leave to a plannet called "earth" where Megatron no doubt will be waiting.

Ace, still no where to be found. And now? She's nothing but a scary story. Though one that still haunts the sparks of anyone who has heard it.

Hoped you all liked this :D
This is a short part to extend on Ace's backstory with not much context as parts will be explored as the story goes on.

This story is still a work I progress, so there will be a lot of spelling, grammar errors and details I want to change, and will fix in the future.

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