"Are we there yet?"

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*meanwhile on a ship somewhere in space*

Bot1: ...Are we there yet?

Bot 2: {sigh} no.

Bot1: {intense silence}

Bot2: {monitoring the ship} I can tell when you want to say something.

Bot1: ya think Ace is still mad at us?

Bot2: that is a possibility, yes.

Bot1: cuz I ain't fightin her.

Bot2: Amazing, that would be the first time you didn't want to fight someone.

Bot1: Hey! Ill fight when I want to fight!

Bot2: By a random guess, that's about 70% of the time.

Bot1: I hate you.

Bot2: Love you too.

{Another long silence}

Bot1: ... So when we getting to this planet?

Bot2: You've asked me that 3 and a half minutes vago.

Bot1: and?

Bot2: and we wont be there for another week. Or in terms you'd understand, about 10080 minutes.

Bot1: {groan}

Bot2: You're the one who wanted to go, I reluctantly vagreed, even though the risk level is extremely high and we won't be there for another week. But no! You wanted to see our lovely killer friend again.

Bot1: pff, I've had worse.

Bot2: and that cost you your arm, which I rebuilt from scratch, your welcome.

Bot1: {mumbles} coulda at least colored it right.

Bot2: {deep inhale}

Bot1: speaking of missing arms, what ya gonna do with Mr. grumpyface?

Bot2: his arm is nearly rebuilt, even with my limited resources. But he will remain in stasis for the time being.

Bot1: Do we really needa bring him along?

Bot2: what, you just wanted to leave him there to die?

Bot1: Look, all I'm sayin it might not be the best idea to bring him to Ace, yknow?

Bot2: it's either that or were not meeting up with Ace.

Bot1: Fineee. But he ain't gonna be in charge when his slumber party's over.

Bot2: he is the highest ranking among us.

Bot1: look at him! He has a resting frown! He looks like he's halfway between a migraine and the scrapheap.

Bot2: just because he has over a hundred scars, ...and a missing arm... He's still the best trained.

Bot1: and the oldest...

Bot2: at least he knows when to charge into battle, and when not to.

Bot1: Says the one who runs like a coward!

Bot2: you'd do the same if you carry the instructions of building a super weapon.

Bot1: so ya just not gonna tell anyone? just a reminder that not even ya own head is safe sometimes. Hell I heard stories of bots being able to hack into the brain.

Bot2: wow. Thank you for that life changing information I didn't already know. Really comforting.

Bot1: Shut it smartaft. Sarcasm doesn't suit you.

Bot2: {mumbles} Neither does rational thinking suit you.

Bot1: what did you say?

Bot2: {sigh} nothing.

Bot1: {intense glare}

{Another intense silence}

Bot1: ...Are we there yet?

Love my 2 goobers, also wont be too long till they reunite with Ace and who they are revealed, might be new enemies, might be friends, who knows? :]

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