"A favor for a favor" pt 3

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"Frag." Was all Ace could say before the dark orange and brown creature charged at her, mouth wide lined with serrated teeth.

She leaped out of the way then realized it was now heading for Deadlock, who layed unmoving on the floor, blood dripping from a gash on his head, now an easy target.

"OI! Killer thing!" She attempted to get it's attention away from deadlock, fortunately it worked. Unfortunately, now what?

Using her wings as a shield the beast tackled a claw against her, the massive claw digging into her wings.

She managed to use the combined strength in her wings and arms to lift up the claw just long enough for her to rol aside and pull herself up.

Memories flooded back in the worst way possible, the fight she had with Phoenix years ago, the fight that nearly killed her.

Though among the terrible déjà vu she remembered a few key tips: stay moving and look for a weakspot.

She kept her mind running on the memories as she continued to stay moving, trying to remember any other details that she could use.

The beast seemed to had enough, a bright light shined from it's throat  her moving luckily made her avoid the shot by just an inch.

"Oh yeah." She remembered another detail "Fire."

She continued trying to look for an opening, any opening even if it only made it dazed for a just second for her to think of a plan.

With a glance to Deadlock still unconscious she knew she had to make a move now, wether she could find an opening or not.

Ace narrowed her eyes, leaping aside against the wall, kicking off it and onto the beasts back, she used her sword from try and cause damage, just as it scaved the surface the creature attempted to shake her off.

This predacon was smaller than Phoenix, though it was much more agile and still incredibly strong. This was a big problem for Ace.

Her claws dug into its back as an attempt to stay latched on, though inevitably she was thrown off, she landed on her feet, knowing if she even made one mistake, this fight could- no, would end terribly.

She continued moving, trying to tire the creature, though it was clear it had more stamina than her.

She noticed the creature had a definite predacon insignia, one that Phoenix lacked, still making her question if her old target was a real predacon or just a rarer form of beastformer.

Even then, Phoenix was much more justifiable than this beast, he knew his role and never surpassed it. He knew how to discipline even at times it may have been rough, Though he was the furthest to some mindless predator.

Though in a fight The Autobot General seemed to be unstoppable, if it wasn't for Ace's speed and agility she would have never stood a chance, even with that, her luck was on her side back then and even if it cuased her a while of stasis and a presumed dead card she managed to take down Phoenix.

If only she had notice Phoenix's blast through the smoke she couldn't have avoided the injury if only she had-

FOCUS. Her mind snapped back to the fight, now wasn't the time to think about what she could and should've done, besides she couldn't see Phoenix's blast, the smoke was the thing that-

SMOKE. An idea lit in her head. There was no way she could beat this predacon, and even less help an injured Deadlock through it. They had to make an escape, and shake of it's senses, she could use fire against fire. Or rather, smoke.

"𝔸𝕔𝕖"  A Transformers Prime OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now