"Back to the past" Ace pt. 3

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"So, yeah, that's what happened that night. " Ace said with a sigh.

Though deadlock still seemed confused, "what happened after that."

"I told you what happened that night." Ace replied, she shared her backstory that she never thought sh3 would. He was pushing his luck.

"Pleeease!" he begged in a sort of sarcastic way.

Ace sighed, "ugh, fine."

Ace was in her sell as she gave the bot an odd look of confusion.

"What do you mean by that" ace asked.

"You'll find out soon enough. " she said as she turned of the lights with a grin leaving Ace in the dark.

Ace took the opportunity to power down, resting after everything that happened.

Ace woke up at the light turning on, hoping that she could explain herself better and get herself out of here.

(Name suggestions) stood at the door smiling.

"Hello... " she started "... Demon"

"What?" Ace asked in confusion after being refered Ace to a Demon.

"I have a gift for you." She joked.

Ace knew something was of. "What did you mean by, 'where I belong'? " she tried to ask again.

The bot laughed and stared at Ace. "I meant that you are strong and bloodthirsty."

"I'm not-"

"Stop ignoring the truth. You want blood, and you'll find it in this amazing little place called the gladiator pits. "

Ace eyes widened as she heard it. She went to watch the gladiator pits once, though she was more disturbed by it and decided to forget it.

"You're sending me to fight?" Ace asked hoping it wasn't true.

"You're either acting dumb, or you simply are dumb. " she insulted.

"I won't hurt any more bots. Especially when it for entertainment for people like you" she refused with a deep demonic growl.

The bot seemed pleased at the demonic like growl and smiled. "Oh you see, that why I got you a gift"

Before Ace could react chains were struck around her legs, arms and neck, preventing her from moving.

"What the-" Ace studdered as she tried to escape.

The bot kept on laughing as the force field gate lowered as she stepped closer to Ace. "You see, Ace, I can make you do anything I want you to."

It was then Ace realised what she was holding in her hand. A scalpel.

She grinned as she placed the scalpel underneath Ace's chin.

"All by simply breaking you. "

(Time skip)

Ace closed her eyes hoping the pain will go away as energon flowed from her wounds.

The bot laughed looking at Ace.

"I hope you will listen to me now, though, still I hope you don't. "

The bot left, leaving Ace in the dark once more.

(Another time skip)

Ace was awake, her wounds were mostly healed and she wasn't chained.

Ace could handle pain, she got used to Nova's torture, to the point that he couldn't anymore. Though this was much different.

She lifted her head seeing the bot enter.

"Today is your big day!" She said in a positive matter. "Now, you'll follow me, or else. "

Ace sighed and did, she followed her to a hallway that lead to a dark room.

"You'll be great" the bot smiled.

The door shut behind her leaving her alone in the room.

She stayed there for a while in dead silence until she heard....cheering?

Ace stood up and went up against the wall that seemed to be a door. She listened to the noice until she heard a familiar voice.

"MECHS AND FEMMES!" The bot called. "Today we have a new bot!"

The crowd cheered as she continued.

"Up against this gladiator, we have... ACE THE DEMON!!"

The door in front of Ace suddenly opened as the bright sky nearly blinded her.

Her optics adjusted to the light as she realized where she was. The gladiator pits."

Ace looked around her as she saw a crowd cheering loudly. She looked in front of her as she saw a bot, her component.

The bot was clearly ready to fight with a sword in hand. Ace didn't want to fight, until, she realised he had a visor. Ace was reminded of Nova stabbing her brother.

Ace was filled with rage, though she took a step back trying to resist. The crowd seemed disappointed.

Ace was about to back up into the room until she collapsed clenching her head as she heard voices in her head demanding blood.

Ace's eyes turned back to purple as the bot took the opportunity to attack Ace. He lifted his sword running towards her.

Ace instinctively dodged the blade and punched him in his chest.

The bot jerked back as Ace got back up ready to kill. She couldn't fight the voices and they took control.

Unable to resist, Ace's focus started to fade away from reality:
The bot bleeding.
The crowd cheering.
The council bot smiling.
The voices laughing.

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