Ace "attached"

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They looked at the stasis pod. Neither a decepticon or an Autobot badge could be seen.

"Should we let him out? " deadlock asked.

"Who knows how long its been in this pod. " ace said "I think we need to. "

Ace lifted her claw and destroyed the lock. After a moment the glass opened and dust flew out.

The minicon stayed still for a second before his eyes and lights turned a bright green.

He rushed out to the ground in front of them.

He looked at ace holding the stasis pod realizing she was the one who released him.

They could see his colors better now that he was out, he had black metal and gun metal wings and tail.
(He is literally a metal crow)

He hopped closer towards them as ace put aside the stasis pod.

"Hi there! " deadlock said as he crouched down next to ace.

The bird cawed at him and turned to ace.

"There you go, you're free now" ace said waving at him.

"Wait. You're going to leave him? " deadlock said.

"Well, it's not ours. " ace said.

The minicon looked left and right between them, observing his surroundings.

"Well, of you go." ace said with a smile.

The minicon looked at them, not wanting to fly away.

"Does he understand us? " deadlock asked looking for an answer of why he wasn't leaving.

"Yeah it can. " she said. "It can't talk but it knows very well what I'm saying. "

"Caw!" the minicon called providing proof.

"You're free, you can go wherever you want now. " ace said shoowing the bird.

The bird backed up looked at ace confused.

"Odd." Ace said "usually wild minicons would fly away. "

Suddenly the minicon stepped closer and transformed attaching to ace's arm.

"HEY! " ace yelled confused falling backwards and ejected the minicon who landed back on the ground.

"Did he just-" deadlock looked confused, though began to smile. "He chose you! "

"No!" Ace started to panic. "No. No. No. No. No. "

The minicon looked unfazed.

"No! You do not want me! " ace said utterly confused.

"CAW!" The minicon hopped closer.

"He's so cute!" Deadlock said.

"Trust me, you do not want me, im a ... im a demon! I am literally fighting all the time. " ace tried to explain to the minicon.

The minicon looked curiously at ace.

"There are Autobots and decepticons on this earth, any one of them is better than me! " ace said.

The bot looked sad as he lowered his head.

"Why don't you want him? " deadlock asked.

"It's already hard enough to take care of you. " she sighed. "I don't want anyone else I need to risk my life for."

The minicon looked up at ace, he seemed to understand her and finally cawed at them before flying of into the sky.

Ace sighed with relief while deadlock seemed a bit disappointed.

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