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5 months later

"Steve you can't keep running off like this! You need to focus on ur school, the years almost over and ur gonna be graduating." My mom yells at me for the millionth time. As my dad stands behind her, rolling his eyes. 

"My grades are fine, there's only 2 months of school left." I say acting like I don't care. Because I don't.

"You need good grades for college so you better keep it ur grades up!" My dad says stepping closer to me but I back away. I don't feel like fighting with him right now.

I nod and start to walk upstairs, "This isn't a joke Steve." The same sentence that always come out of his mouth, the same finger pointing at me. "Okay." I quietly say as I make my way upstairs.

I flop onto the bed, feeling exhausted from that conversation that just happened. But I look over to my desk, seeing the little purple flower in a cup of water. Thinking about him tucking it behind my ear.

That day.

I never have felt more myself, being able to touch him, without anyone staring or looking at me weird.  Being able to kiss him forever on top of that hill.

Like it was are little place.

I think about that day everyday. Suddenly snapping me out of my fantasy, the phone on my dresser rings.

"Steve! Wanna come over?" Of course it's Robin. She knows how hard it's been for the last couple of weeks  since me and Eddie broke up.

"On my way." I say sighing. Hanging up the phone, I get up off my bed and put on a Hawkins hoodie. Going downstairs I see that my parents have yet left, not telling me where their going.

I forget about it and put on my converse. Grabbing my keys, I walk out the house and get in my car. Driving to her house I listen to the radio on full blast. Trying to focus on other things.

I eventually get to Robins house, parking my car and getting out. Just her car in the driveway so I know her parents aren't home. I didn't even need to knock, she's already at the door.

She hugs me as I'm walking in the door, "Hey Rob." I say giving her a weak smile as I start to take my shoes off.

We go into her room, which is pretty clean it's usually never clean. So I take the opportunity to sit on the nice made bed. "How's it going?" She says even though she knows the answer.

"Eh." I say, now laying my back on the bed staring at the white ceiling. "Steve you need to just talk to him." She thinks it's that easy?

"I can't just talk to him! He broke up with me. It's not like I broke up with him. It's different." I say putting my hands on my face.

"And I don't even know why he did it! It's pissing me off." I say adding onto my sentence. "Then find out why." Robin says throwing her hands in the air.

He broke up with me 3 weeks ago before break, and break ends tomorrow.

"I have no clue what I'm gonna do tomorrow! I'm seeing him for the first time after are break up and I'm freaking out." I say standing up, starting to pace around her room.

She starts laughing at me. "This isn't funny." I say pointing at her. "I know." She stops laughing and puts her hand over her mouth as she talks.

The rest of the time at her house we watch movies and eat a crap ton of popcorn. I like when we do this stuff it's nice.

After hours of movies I eventually leave her house, not ready at all for tomorrow. I get home and go straight to bed trying not to freak myself out.

My alarm clock goes off at 6:00, and I hop in the shower trying to make it feel as long as possible. But it does even faster than usual. I get out of the shower and put on dark blue jeans and a thin grey sweater.

I dry and style my hair like usual, and go downstairs. My parents aren't here once again but I'm not surprised. I have a bowl of Frosted Flakes, I have a little time until I leave so I sit on the couch and wait.

Not picking up Robin anymore give me an extra 10 minutes, since Vickie drives her to school now.

But that extra 10 minutes goes by fast and as soon as I know it I'm in my car almost at the school.

I pull into the school parking lot seeing all of my classmates going inside. As I park into my spot I see Jason tormenting freshman out side the front of the school. Just like he used to do to Eddie.

I get out of my car and grab my bag, walking up to the front of the school. He gives me a little nod as I walk through the doors of the school. Which surprised me but I'm not thinking about that right now.

I don't see Robin when the bell rings so I just walk to my first class. I hesitate walking in but I can't just stand here all day so I walk in.

I look up and see Eddie sitting behind my seat, he doesn't notice me until I sit down in front of him. Out of the corner of my eye I see him staring at me.

Which makes my stomach hurt.

I have decided to add on to this story. I want to get back into writing this story so I hope you like the new chapter!

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