The Resistance

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     You knew it was Steve the moment you saw him.

     No one could forgot that handsome blocky body and his bold cubic face, perhaps one may even describe it as "cubular". 

     As you called his name he turned around, a look of surprise upon his face. He must be happy to see me you thought. "Wow Y/N I was actually just looking for you" You felt flustered at this. "It's nice to see you too, Steve" and you really meant it, Steve had been your friend when you were in elementary school and you'd had a crush on him ever since you were five. Unfortunately you'd never gotten to confess your feelings to him since he had moved away the beginning of sixth grade.

     "Listen, I'd love to catch up with you Y/N but now's not the time, you gotta follow me so I can explain the situation." Steve said this with a sound of genuine distress so you knew this had to be serious. "Ok, we can chat later." "Great, just follow me then." With that you were off. Following Steve through winding city streets and ally ways for what felt like 45 minutes (it actually took 43 minutes and 52 seconds). "We're here" Steve sounded extra serious right now which suited his strong voice, you thought it sounded pretty sexy even. Steve opened a plain metal door in front of him and gestured for you to enter. You wondered what was behind the door, why had Steve taken you down this dark ally way surrounded by shabby brick buildings and rats without many polygons. But you wouldn't have to wonder for long because you decided to enter the building.

     Inside there were many makeshift desks and computers set up, lots of people were frantically running about the office doing who knows what. "This is the resistance. Real name pending" "A resistance to what?" you asked in confusion as Steve closed the door behind him. "To one backstreet scouts" Steve replied "You mean the boyband Bacon Hair joined!?" What the hell is going of you thought to yourself. "Sadly yes. They've brainwashed Bacon hair and plan on using his handsome manly voice to posses all of roblox." "Why would they want this!?" Millions of questions were going through your head and even though Steve was trying to explain everything calmly you still felt completely overwhelmed. "We still haven't figured that out, but that's beside the point, you see we have a plan, and you, Y/N, are the key." after saying this Steve paused to wait for your response. "I'm willing to hear you out" you'd do anything if it meant helping Bacon Hair, even if he did spontaneously leave you to join a boyband.

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