The date

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The next day after work you met bacon hair in bloxberg. He looked even more manly and beautiful then you remembered.  "hi" you said blushing. "hi (Y/N) I knew you would come" he said in his charming and majestic voice. "so where do you want to eat?" you said. "lets eat at mcdonalds" bacon hair replied. Mcdonalds how romantic you thought.

Bacon hair ordered a double bacon cheese burger while you stuck with a big mac. During dinner the two of you talked and got to know each other. After dinner bacon hair said "it's not that late wanna go to the movies?" Your heart was racing what should you do? "so?" "yeah of course" you didn't want bacon hair to find out you were a two timer.

You and bacon hair got front row seats right next to each other and watched a new action movie. Before you knew it bacon hair and you were holding hands like a couple. After the movie the two of you went outside. The stars were beautiful! You didn't want this date to end so you suggested going a walk and bacon hair gladly accepted in his wonderful way. A while into the walk bacon hair said "this really feels like true love". You blushed "y-yeah" you said. The bacon hair held both your hands and kissed you on the lips. You wanted this moment to last forever but soon you had to go home and said goodbye to bacon hair.

You truly loved bacon hair but you couldn't bring yourself to breakup with your past boyfriend.

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