Lo'ak meets y/n part 2

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Lo'ak and his family eager to learn about the ways of the water people. They had always lived in the forest and they were excited to experience something new.
Y/n, the daughter of the chief, was tasked with teaching them. At first, she was reluctant. She didn't like the fact that they were different, with their five fingers and their demon blood.
But as she got to know them, she began to see that they were just like any other people. They were curious and kind and they had a deep love for their family.
And as she spent more time with Lo'ak, she found herself falling for him. He was charming and funny and he always made her laugh. He would tell her jokes and make silly faces, trying to get her to smile.
"You have an amazing laugh," he told her one day as they sat on the beach. "It's like music to my ears."
Y/n blushed, feeling embarrassed and flattered at the same time. She had never had someone pay her such compliments before and she wasn't sure how to react.
Lo'ak noticed her embarrassment and he chuckled. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," he said. "But it's the truth. You have a great smile too."
Y/n couldn't help but smile at his words. She knew that he was being sincere and she couldn't resist his charms any longer.
She leaned in and kissed him, letting her feelings show in her touch. Lo'ak wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back, feeling like the luckiest man in the world.
For Lo'ak and y/n, it was the start of a beautiful relationship, one that would last a lifetime.

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