Scandalous Lo'ak

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Y/N was lounging on the beach with tuk. Playing in the sand . The sun was shining brightly and the waves were crashing gently against the shore, creating a soothing sound that filled the air. It was the perfect day for a beach trip, and Y/N had brought some tools to make a bracelet or necklace but she found herself too entranced with the scenery to focus on it. She closed her eyes and let the warmth of the sun wash over her, feeling the sand between her toes and the salty sea breeze blowing through her hair.

Suddenly, she felt a hand grab her shoulder and shake her. "BOO," a voice shouted. Y/N's heart raced as she panicked, her mind immediately going to thoughts of danger. Without even thinking, she swung her hand back, hitting the person's face with a sharp slap. As she opened her eyes and saw Lo'ak standing in front of her, " oh shit Lo'ak I'm so sorry" she couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

Lo'ak, holding his nose from the pain, sheepishly said, "I thought it would be funny, I didn't expect you to react like that." Y/N immediately felt guilty for hitting him and noticed that Lo'ak's nose was a little red. She asked, "Are you okay? It looks a little red." Lo'ak nodded and said, "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry."

They both turned around to see Tuk dying of laughter at Lo'ak's expense. Lo'ak, embarrassed, said, "Tuk, stop laughing. It's not funny." Y/N couldn't help but laugh at the situation, and found that it was a good laugh. She knew Lo'ak didn't mean any harm and was just trying to play a joke. She felt the tension dissipate and the mood lighten as they all laughed together.

As the day went on, they all laughed and played together on the beach, enjoying each other's company. They decided to build a sandcastle and spend the rest of the day relaxing on the beach. They worked together to shape the sand, creating towers and walls, and decorating it with shells and seaweed. It was a day full of fun and laughter, and the incident was quickly forgotten.

As the sun began to set and the day came to an end, Y/N and Lo'ak hugged and continued to enjoy the rest of their day together. They sat on the beach, watching the sunset and the waves, feeling grateful for the bond they shared. It was a day that they would always remember and treasure, a day filled with laughter, fun, and memories to last a lifetime.

A/n -
This is kind of short but it was requested. Thank you for the request I hope you like it 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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