Heated passion's

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Jaenys and her brothers arrived on dragonback to see Aemond and Ser Criston having a duel. She was amazed at how amazing he was now but, however, did  not stay to watch and made her way up to her chambers.

As she finished her preparation for tonight dinner, she admired her dress in the mirror. Daemon had it made for her.

It was simple and she liked it. She walked down the hall, making her way downstairs when someone grabbed her arm and swung her around.

It was Aemond.

He was incredibly handsome.

"Did you really think you could avoid me?" He says to her as he pushes her against the wall and pins her hands above her head.

Jaenys felt a rush. He was so close to her that she could taste him. She had waited a long time for something like this... With him...

She bit her bottom lip, then replied.

"Who said I was?"

He traced his fingers down her dress, slowly pulling it up.

"I know you saw me in the court yard niece." He whispered into her ear.

"I did.." she admitted.

"Mm and didn't greet me." "So disrespectful." He muttered and planted kisses on her neck, letting go of her hands.

"Jump." He commanded, and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

She moaned softly as he continued to torment her. Although she did not want to be caught doing this, she didn't want him to stop. She wanted to feel his skin on hers. She wanted their tongues to dance together, and she wanted his touch.

He wanted her badly. He was ready to rip off her clothes and fuck her right there. Everyday he was away from her his desire and love for her grew. He wanted her and only her. She was his and no one else's.

"Aemond someone might see," she whispered.

"Ivestragī zirȳ urnēbagon," he said (let them watch) which made her ache for him more.

Jaenys then heard footsteps and unhooked her legs from around him clears her throat, pushing past him to go downstairs.

Aemond smirked at her knowing that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

He made his way downstairs hoping to sit next to her but Aegon had seated himself there instead so he sat opposite her.

Jacaerys and lucerys watched their sister when Aemond entered room. Jace was always aware of the fact that his sister likes Aemond. Jace never liked Aemond, especially after the damage Aemond caused to his family the night he lost his eye.

Jace believed Aemond wanted revenge for his eye, and he was afraid of his sister getting hurt in the crossfire.

"You have matured over these past years, niece," Aegon says to her.

She hated the fool, but she understood that sometimes we eat with our enemies until it's time for battle.

"Thank you, uncle. I do wish I could say the same."

Aegon laughs and leans over to her and whispers.

"If you do ever wish to be satisfied, I believe you know where to find me."

She wanted to stab the fool. It took Aemond everything he had not to reach over and kill his brother.

After dinner, Jaenys sat by her window in a silk night gown with her hair loose.

Just as she was about to call it a night, Aemond entered her bedroom chambers with no warning.

"Seven hells, you scared me." She told him as he shuts and locks the door behind him.

"Mm, don't be scared, not yet, at least." He said as he walked up to her.

He then placed his hand on her neck, pulled her closer to him, and kissed her deeply. He could feel the fire inside him burning. He wanted her, more than anything he wanted her to be his and only his. He wanted to cut the eyes of any man who stared at her too long. He was prepared to kill and die for her.

"You are mine." He said to her as she stared up at him, nodding in agreement.

He grabbed her throat, "Say it. I need to hear you say it." He growls

"Nyke aōhon." (I am yours) She tells him.

He kissed her again, this time ripping at the night gown. Aemond was hungry for her. They were both panting as she removed his shirt and pants quickly.

She reached up for his eye patch, but he moved his head back reactantly, letting her slip it off.

"Nyke jaelagon naejot ūndegon ao uncle ry hen ao,'' (I wish to see you uncle all of you) she says to him looking at Sarfire stone in place of his eye.

He threw her onto the bed. "Try not to be too loud, niece. You don't want everyone knowing you can't take it.''

He then climbed on top of her as they hungrily kissed each other. Her body was aching for him she wanted to feel him. She wanted to feel his pain, his pleasure, his sadness, his happiness, and that she wanted it all.

"ȳdra daor hīghagon," (don't scream) he whispered to her as he covered her mouth, slowly pushing himself inside her.

Her eyes roll back, feeling every inch of him signaling him to go faster.

He removed his hand from her mouth, looking down at her moaning as he thrust into her again and again, with her nails digging into his back.

She closes her eyes, feeling the pleasure. This is all she wants.

Aemond grabs her face. "Nyke jaelagon ao naejot jurnegon issa hae nyke fuck ao." (I want you to look at me as I fuck you)

He went in faster as Jaenys didn't her best not to scream with ecstasy.

Both reaching the limit of climax "Aemond!" She called out.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now