Burn him.

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Jaenys walked back to her chambers with a smile on her face still holding her gift. She checked on Daeron, he was sound asleep. She walked into her room placing the sword carefully on the table, the handle was in the shape of Tyrax's head. She smiled and stroked the head of the dragon.

"Where were you?" Darion said.

Jaenys was startled. She didn't expect him to be here.

"Dinner," she answered turning to him.

"Dinner ended a while ago I saw your brothers. " He said squinting his eyes at her. " They told me what happened, I came to look for you only to see you walking into his chambers."

Jaenys didn't answer him.

He pushed her aside and looked at the sword. " He gave you this?"

" Yes he did."

"Give it back." He commanded


"Give him back the damn sword!" Darion yelled.

"Do you need me to spell it out for you I said no." Jaenys snapped back.

Darion grabbed her slamming her on the wall causing her head to hit the wall.

Jaenys felt her head throbbing still trying to get him off her.

She kicked him off her causing him to fall back but he charged back at her.

He punched her.

"You think you can cheat on me!" He growled.

She had never seen him with such rage. Darion had cheated on her more times than she could count.

Daeron awoke from all the commotion, he slipped out of bed and started walking towards his mother's room.

Jaenys tried reaching for her new sword, she thought he was going to kill her. She thought about her son she'd never see him again she'd never see her brothers again her mother, Damon, her dragon her life flashed before her eyes she wasn't going to let him take that away from her even if she was bleeding on the floor she'd fight.

Darion grabbed her feet before she could grab the sword and pulled her back violently. Just as he was about to punch her again Daeron stabbed his fathers leg.

Darion groaned in pain and turned to his son forgetting about Jaenys. Daeron fell back, as his father was about to grab him Jaenys pierced her sword through the back of his skull. Daeron moved to the side so his father's body would not fall on him.

"Mommy." He cried and ran into her arms. She held him tightly, shaking.

She cried as she held her son in her arms. Daeron looked up at his mother.

"Was I brave like Aegon?" He asked softly.

Jaenys looked down at her baby boy. She never wanted him to be a witness to something like this. She wanted him to be happy always. She gave him a sad smile and kissed his forehead.

"Yes, just like Aegon." She whispered.

Just then Jacaerys burst through the door followed by Luke, Daemon, her mother and the rest of the greens.

Aemond ran to Jaenys getting on his knees hugging her on the ground.

"The Martells will see this as treason," Otto whispered to Alicent.

Rhaenyra ran to her daughter looking at her bruised face.

"My sweet girl."

Aemond helped Jaenys to her feet as she kept holding onto Daeron, she didn't want to let him go. She wanted to protect him from all the monsters in this world.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now