Old friends

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Jaenys ran into the arms of Justane, she had not seen him in so long she missed her old friend.
Aemond cleared his throat and the two pulled back.

"Prince Aemond." Justane said coldly. Jaenys turned to her husband.

"We'll talk later."

Aemond was  hesitant but walked out leavingthem alone.
As he walked into the hallway Jacaerys smirked. "Now there's the man she should've married."  Aemond immediately saw red and punched Jacaerys as hard as he could.

Baela pushed and punched Aemond before Jace charged at him.

"Stop!" Baela yelled.

Jaenys ran out into the hallway and saw Aemond on top of Jace punching him as the guards did their best to pull him off her brother.

"You will never be apart of this family!" Jace yelled as the guards held him back.

"Good!" Aemond yelled back.

He walked away into another room and Jaenys ran him after him grabbing his arm. "Why would you do that?"

He grabbed her by the neck, she was stunned but placed her hands on his chest, he was angry so angry. He then released her and turned away from her.

"Just go." He whispered. He was sick and tired of trying to make nice with Jace, they will never be friends and he accepted that.

Jaenys placed her hand on her neck. "Aemond." She whispered.

"Just go, he's your brother so he's more important to you than i will ever be." He said leaning against the window. Jaenys walked towards him and touched his back.

"You're so stupid sometimes." She said giving him a small smile tracing her hand on his scar and taking off his eye patch. Aemond grabbed her pushing her against the wall.

"I'm going to fuck you. Right here. I want your brother and your family to here your screams of pleasure." He said as he licked his bottom lip.

She chuckled but he placed his hand on her neck. "You won't laugh when I'm done." He said.


Daeron held onto his great grandmother's hand as they entered the room standing Infront of his grandfather Prince Dohran and aunt, Syena Martell

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Daeron held onto his great grandmother's hand as they entered the room standing Infront of his grandfather Prince Dohran and aunt, Syena Martell.

"Ah my grandson has arrived." Prince Dohran announced. Prince Dohran grabbed his grandson into a hug soon realizing he wasn't smiling.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I want to go home." Daeron frowned.

Syena approached the little boy and wiped his tears.

"Do you know how to ride a horse?" She asked. Daeron shook his head, he never wanted a horse he wanted a dragon.

"We'll teach you."

"I don't want a horse I want to go home I want my mommy." He said.

Prince Dohran sighed and thanked princess Rhaenys for bringing him safely.

Daeron ran to his great grandmother holding onto her tightly. "Take me back please." He cried. Rhaenys hugged the boy back, but it was time for her to go. Syena held the little boy back as Rhaenys mounted her dragon. Daeron cried, he wasn't afraid of being in Dorne, he was afraid he'd never see his mother again.

He pushed his aunt away going into a full panic attack as Rhaenys took into the sky.

Syena grabbed his shoulders shaking him. "Stop it!" She yelled at him. Daeron slapped and pushed her off him.

Prince Dohran grabbed his grandsons hands and held him trying to calm the boy down.

King's Landing

Alicent sat by her son's bedside, touching his still beautiful face. Aegon had gone to rescue Aemond but instead he has almost beaten. Rhaenyra was dead. There were no ravens, and the spies said that things had been suspiciously quiet.

Aegon groaned and awoke slowly. He glanced at his mother and she helped him sit up. Helaena sat on the opposite side of Aegon, she cared for her brother-husband even though there were no romantic feelings she did.

"How are you feeling?" Alicent asked her son.

"Like I got attacked by a dragon mother."

Alicent was silent for a while, she didn't know what to say to him.

"Your grandfather and I have taken over your king duties while you were abed." She said.

Aegon scoffed, "Of course you did."

Alicent raised her eyebrow. "And what it that supposed to mean?"

"It means I told you I didn't want to be king, you wouldn't listen, you say father named me heir before he died but he never even treated me like his son. I had no wish to rule or to marry yet you mother pushed me to these lengths. Look at me now. Are you finally happy with yourself?"

"Aegon I-"

"Leave both of you." He said angrily.
Alicent looked down at her son and left the room with Helaena. Aegon laid in bed, he wanted to be away from this place, away from the pressures of being king. He missed his brother, sometimes he felt like Aemond was the only one who simply let him be.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now