Playing with the Beast

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Joffery and Daeron were playing when Daeron got up.

" I'm going to see Tyrax." He told Joffery.

Jeffrey was older. He knew it was a bad idea.

"I don't think you can." Joffery told Daeron.

"Don't tell." Daeron tells him and leaves the room quietly. He makes his way to where he thought Tyrax would be. There were no guards posted in this area outside the castle.

He had heard that this is where the big dragons were kept. Daeron kept walking until he saw the sleeping green dragon.
It was Vhagar. He was scared but also fixated on how big it was when he tried to leave he tripped over Vhagar's tail and awoke her.

Vhagar was irritated and got up turning her head to the small boy on the ground. Daeron it was frozen with fear he didn't know what to do when he tried to get up Vhagar let out a loud roar. Tears fell down Daeron's face he had never been so scared in his life.

Vhagar approached the toddler and growled as she opened her mouth. Daeron could see the fire in the dragons mouth, he thought he was going to die. His heart beat was fast in his chest, he wanted to call out for his mother but he couldn't speak.

Just then Aemond and Jaenys followed by the royal family arrived.

"Oh shit." Aemond said

Jaenys felt her heart stop tears prickled In her eyes she was afraid of what the dragon would do to her son she wanted to call out for him but she knew that would do more harm than good.

Aemond ran Infront of his dragon and grabbed the small boy into his arms holding his hand out to Vhagar. "Umbās Vhagar!" (Wait Vhagar) he shouted. He could feel the child's shaky breath, Daeron was trembling. Daeron held onto Aemond as tight as he could burying his face into Aemonds shoulder.

" Dohaerās, Lykirī Vhagar" (serve me be calm Vhagar) Aemond said causing the dragon to close it's mouth and move away giving him space to walk away.

He held the little boy in his arms and  walked back to Jaenys. She was in tears, the color from her face was gone.

Darion let go of his wife's arm as Aemond placed the young prince on his feet. Daeron ran to his mother, straight into her arms.

She hugged him tightly and looked up at her uncle and said thank you

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She hugged him tightly and looked up at her uncle and said thank you. Aemond nodded.

She pulled away placing her hands on her son's arms.

"What do you think you would doing?" She asked still shaking.

The little boy could not control his cry.

"Dragons are not to be played with, they are not toys they are living and breathing magical creatures." She told him. She was furious. "Next time I tell you stay in your Chambers you do it."

He nodded.

"No flying on Tyrax for a month." Darion added.

Everyone was escorted back into the castle walls.

Jaenys stayed with Daeron until he was calm and fell asleep. It was still early in the day but she let him rest. Viserys had requested dinner with the whole family so she had free time until then.

She stopped by the window looking at the blue skies thinking about earlier, she had never been so scared in her life she didn't want to imagine what would happen if Aemond hadn't shown up when he did

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She stopped by the window looking at the blue skies thinking about earlier, she had never been so scared in her life she didn't want to imagine what would happen if Aemond hadn't shown up when he did. She made her way to Aemonds room with a tear falling down her face. Aemond heard a knock and opened it to see her standing there, he was glad she came.

Jaenys wrapped her arms around Aemond and thanked him again for saving her son.

"Well I was not going to leave him there." He said jokingly trying to make her smile and invited her in.

She entered his Chambers and took a deep breath.

She turned and stared at his bare chest.

"Like what you see?" Aemond joked.

She gave a small chuckle.

"I've missed you Uncle." She said softly.

"I've missed you to."

"I do hope you forgive me for... Everything.. Alyssa... Our fights I will prove my worth to you niece."

She walked up to him placed a hand on his shoulder and the other on his face pulling him into a kiss. She missed everything about him the way he tasted she missed the way he touched her she missed how he made her feel loved and miss having her best friend.

He kept kissing him pulling him closer to the bed. "Are you sure?" He whispers.

"Yes, I need you uncle now more than ever." 

He moved his hands all over her body kissing her and tasting her saliva. He then pulled her dress over her shoulders placing her on her back.

By the time her got on top of her they were both breathless she wanted him he wanted her he had waited so long to be reunited like this again their fires Brent bight for each other.

He slowly pushed himself inside of her she moaned wrapping her arms around him. He breathed heavily as he thrusted inside her planting kisses and soft bites on her neck.

"I won't leave you again,"  she whispers and he looks down at her, words could not explain how happy he felt that's all he ever wanted for her to stay by his side.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now