Betrayed by him

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The next morning Jaenys awoke on her bed. She was confused to how she got there. She got up realizing a letter on her table.

I hope you slept well niece
- Aemond

She was disappointed not to wake up next to him, but what did she expect he was a married man. She stood there looking at the letter then burnt it.

Aemond on the other hand had fallen asleep on the chair in his bedroom chamber

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Aemond on the other hand had fallen asleep on the chair in his bedroom chamber.

"Aemond wake up

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"Aemond wake up." Alyssa said.

He opened up his eye. "What?"

"Where were you last night.

He glared at her. "No where."

"I waited for you!" She yelled.

He got up rubbing his face. "Keep your voice down."

Alyssa grew angry. " You were with her weren't you...."


"Don't lie to me Aemond!!"

"Shhhhh!" He shushed her.

"What does she have that I don't!" Alyssa yelled.

Alyssa was a bit spoiled. She was her father's daughter. She often complained about everything.

He didn't answer her as he was putting on clothes.

"She's a bastard, and a whore." She continued

He grabbed her by her neck looking down at her. "Call her a bastard again you'll never speak again."

He then let go of her neck.

"You won't touch me Aemond not unless we try for a child and even then it's like you're not there," she cried

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"You won't touch me Aemond not unless we try for a child and even then it's like you're not there," she cried.

He sighed and took her into his arms.

She looked up at him. "Why her?"

He then kissed her like he never had before. He wanted her to shut up about Jaenys. He took off her dress off exposing her naked body.

She looked up at him like a lost puppy. He got on top of her kissing her deeply.

Just then Jaenys walked past him room stopping when she heard them. She touched the door not expecting it to open revealing Aemond and Alyssa.

He was groaning. Did he like her better? How could she be such a fool. She stepped back. She was shaking. She felt angry. She felt pain.

She ran down the hallway bumping into Jacaerys but continues running to her dragon.

"Jaenys?" He ran after her. Jaenys reaches her dragon and mounted him.

"Soves Tyrax," she commanded.

Tyrax let out a loud roar waking up the entire castle and began to fly.

Rhaenyra looked out her window seeing her daughter fly away.

Jaenys had not yet returned it had been a day and it was nighttime. For the whole day everyone with a dragon patrolled the skys and lands but to no avail.

Rhaenyra was anxious she prayed and prayed for her daughters return.

Jacaerys walked up to Aemond shoving him.

"You did this didn't you?!" Jacaerys yelled.

Aemond looked around but said nothing.
He knew it was probably his fault.

Daemon grabbed Jacaerys pulling him away from Aemond.

"Take a walk." Daemon commanded.

There was a loud roar from the sky and everyone rushed outside.

It was Jaenys on Tyrax. The dragon landed revealing new scratches.

Jaenys climbed down holding her bleeding stomach. Rhaenyra rushed to her daughter. Her daughter was covered in blood.

"Where were you what happened?" Rhaenyra asked her daughter.

Jaenys explained to her mother how she was taking Tyrax for a morning ride and wasn't paying attention to where she was going, there she was attacked by one of the wild dragons Cannibal, she and Tyrax managed to get away but were injured, she wanted to give Tyrax time to heal and she was to far from home.

She was telling a half truth, she was attacked by cannibal but she did not want to return until Aemond was gone but she worried for her dragon.

Aemond came up to them and picked her up into his arms. She was to weak and tired to object. He took her to her room where the maester attended to her wounds.

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