I Need The Truth Mother

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Jaenys and held the cover over her breast as Aemond played with her hair and touched her back

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Jaenys and held the cover over her breast as Aemond played with her hair and touched her back.

"What's the matter?" Aemond asked her.

"There's something I  need to ask my mother something that weighed on my mind, I have never gotten the courage to actually ask her about it but I think it's time I did." She answered

Aemond sat her and kissed her forehead. "You have sometime before dinner maybe you could go to her."

She took a deep breath and kissed him.

" I suppose I should do it now before I lose my nerve." She said as she got up.

Jaenys started putting on her clothes and Aemond got up still naked. He lifted her her head and kissed her neck. "I will see you at dinner then."

Jaenys smiled. She felt relaxed and happy. She gave him a kiss and left.

Jaenys made her way to her mother's Chambers part of her want to turn back but she needed the truth whatever it would be.

Jaenys stood in front of her mother's room and knocked on the door.

"Enter," Rhaenyra said.

Jaenys walked in and took a seat next to her mother. Rhaenyra could tell something was bothering her daughter.

"What is it my sweet?"

"There's something I need to ask you and I need you to tell me the truth and I hope you know I'd never hate you mother but I need the truth." Jaenys said and held her mother's hand.

Rhaenyra nodded and waited for her daughter to speak.

" I know you loved father and I know he loved you I know the truth about you and Ser Harwin and my father. I do not judge you mother I understand. Father had his.......interest and you had yours and" Jaenys said and felt nervous.

Jaenys tried her best to get the words out of her mouth she wasn't scared of her mother she was scared of the truth.

"Did you have father killed so you can marry Daemon." Jaenys asked.

Jaenys played with the rings on her fingers. Rhaenyra was in shock, she didn't know how to respond to her daughter.

"Please mother I need to know I will not judge you I will not hate you but I need to know," Jaenys pleaded.

Rhaenyra kissed her daughters forehead then looked around.

"What I am about to tell you must stay between us, there are spies everywhere no one can know, not Jace, not Luke, only  you, me and Daemon. " Rhaenyra whispered.

Jaenys nodded.

"The truth is your father lives. After your aunt's funeral your father was broken, he wouldn't have been able to perform his duties as king consort, so Daemon and I came up with a plan, we would set him free as he has wanted for years." Rhaenyra explained.

Jaenys wasn't shock she felt relieved but also could not believe this her father was alive after all these years he was alive.

"Where is he?" Jaenys asked

"Pentos last I heard."

Jaenys starred down at her fingers and let out a laugh as tears fell down her face.

"My sweet girl I am sorry." Rhaenyra apologized.

She held her mother's hand." I'm not angry mother I am anything but angry if anything I finally feel at peace." She told her mother while smiling at her.

"Mabye one day you can find him," Rhaenyra said as she hugged her daughter.

Aemond was walking down the hallway to head to dinner when he saw Jaenys son in the hallway crying. He went to the little boy and stooped down getting to Daeron's level.

Aemond wiped the child's tears and picked him up.

He brought the young boy back into his room and smoothed him.

"I want my mommy." Daeron said.

Aemond didn't know a thing about small children. He spent as little time as he could socializing, he spent his time doing his duties, training and dragon riding.

He rubbed Daeron's back and sat him on the bed.

"Because of today?" Aemond asked.

The little boy nodded.

"Nothings gonna hurt you, you know why?" Aemond asked.


"Because you're a dragon and dragons are fearless just like the great warriors who ride them."

"Like Aegon the conqueror?" Daeron asked smiling.

"You know about Aegon?"

Daeron nodded. Jaenys stood in the doorway listened to Aemond talk to Daeron.

"Be like Aegon the conqueror."

Jaenys walked in completely and touched Aemond's back.

He got up quickly slightly embarrassed.

"How long have you been here?"

"Long enough." She said laughing.

Daeron smiled at his mother and Aemond. She kissed him good night and Daeron got out of bed hugging Aemond.

Just them Darion walked in. He had been out most of the day doing god knows what.

The sight of his own son warming up to another man angered him.

"Why is he here ?" Darion asked. The smile on Jaenys's face was gone and Daeron immediately jumped into bed pull the covers over his head.

Aemond stood up. He was much taller than Darion and much more intimidating. Aemond glanced at Jaenys giving her a can I kill him look.

"We should all get going, after all its rude to be late." She explained and pushed the two men out of the room and walked ahead of them.

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