The green wedding

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"That was a long ceremony.'' Jacaerys complained.

Jaenys nodded in agreement and went to stand next to Daemon.

"This will be you soon," Daemon said, pointing to Helaena alone.

"That's not funny," she said and walked towards Helaena. She pulled the bride out of her seat, rushing to the dance floor with everyone participating. Helaena was happy to dance.

Jaenys was now dancing with Justane, who was all too happy to dance with her.

Justane had grown to love Jaenys more than he should have, but he did. Their fingers lingered their eyes connected.

Aemond soon interrupted and requested a dance with his niece. This did anger Justane, but he chose to keep it hidden.

"Your protector is in love with you," Aemond said as he circled her and brought her to the back of the dance lines.

"Issi ao jealous uncle," ( are you jealous uncle) she said jokingly.

He stepped closer to her, putting his hand on her face and pulling her close enough to look questionable.

"Ao issi ñuhon lo nyke kostagon't emagon ao daorys kostagon," ( You are mine if I can't have you no one can) he promised.

"Pār gūrogon issa naejot ābrazȳrys, īlon emagon se rovaja zaldrīzoti qilōni dare naejot vestragon nykeā udir," she told him.
(Then take me to wife. We have the largest dragons who would dare to say a word)

He looked down at her. He wanted her, but he also knew his mother and grandfather.

He didn't say another word to his niece and walked out of the circle. She was disappointed at his reaction she wanted him to marry her despite what others may think.

Jacaerys had witnessed Aemond and Jaenys on the dance floor and was furious. He was angry at Aemond. If anyone were to see what just happened, his sister's honor would be in question.

"Brother!!" Aegon shouted and went to hug Aemond.


"She truly is beautiful, isn't she?" He slurred

"Our sister?" Yes, suppose she is."

Aegon scoffed "Not her I'm talking about your bastard whore I Know you fucked her I wonder how my mother would take this?"

Aemond punched his brother as hard as he could. Everyone gasped in shock. Jaenys made her way to them seeing Aegons mouth bleeding.

Aemond shaked his fist  "call her that again you won't wake up next time." He said and began to walk away

Aegon spat out blood and shouted at his brother " She's a whore!!"

Aemond attacked his brother punching his face over and over.

The guards pushed through the crowd to help Aegon while Alicent scolded Aemond.

He pushed past his mother and left with Jaenys following behind him. He reached to her chambers opening the door angrily.

"Aemond what in seven hells was that?!" Jaenys yelled. He looked at her and approached her, not saying a word.

"Pār gūrogon issa naejot ābrazȳrys, īlon emagon se rovaja zaldrīzoti qilōni would dare naejot vestragon nykeā udir," (I am going to fuck you so hard you won't get able to walk understand) he growled.

She looked into his eye to find the Aemond she knew but she couldn't, all she saw in his was rage. His brothers blood was still on his hands.

She didn't know what happened between them but she wanted him she could never say no to him.

Aemond picked her up, slamming her against the wall as he kissed her roughly. She reached for his eye patch, but he grabbed her wrist, squeezing them hard.

" If you scream I'll fuck you harder you hear me?" Aemond barked

"Y-yes" she stuttered.

He pushed himself into her, causing her to cover her mouth. Although his thrust were hard, it felt so good, but she knew something was bothering him.

He kept thrusting harder and faster. She couldn't control herself anymore and moaned his name loudly.

"I warned you." He said as her gripped onto his hips, going as hard and fast thinking of all his anger as he came, and so did she.

He couldn't look at her. He placed her down on her feet and fixed himself, then left the room. He was angry at himself and his brother. But now he had put her in harm's way.
But he just couldn't control himself around her.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now