Chapter 27

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He held her arm tightly and replied darkly."You are in my domain so watch out or else you will be like him."

"What are you talking about?"She asked.

He came from his seat and in a blink,he was behind her and held her hair.
He dragged her and finally left her when he came in front of his throne.

He held her up and stared at her eyes. As if he was staring at her soul.
He let her go and went in front of his throne.

"Your husband. Died a mysterious death."

"Don't utter it in your filthy mouth."She commanded."He died to save his daughter."

"And I will kill you to save your daughter."

The fear in Susan started to build up and her look caused him to laugh.
He came in front of her and immediately gave her a nasty slap causing blood to ooze from her mouth.

"You have to show me some respect."He shouted."You know I'm not human as you think."

"I don't care."She replied angrily in tears as she wiped the blood from her mouth.

"I'm a demon. A typical one."He said and walked around her."I can decide to snap my fingers and take your life but I won't. I will teach that girl a lesson."

"Don't touch my Leila."She said angrily.

"Ooh.... Leila..."He smiled wickedly."That's a cute name."

He stopped and stared at her."Anyways be at home cause you will stay here for the rest of your worthless life."

"She will find me."She said.

"Let's see."He replied.
With a clap,two people appeared in the room in a dark cloak.

"Did you do what I asked you to do?"

"No master."He replied."Ezra was with them and Zenith came later and.....he killed Tydis."

"This guy again."He said."Be glad mortal,a demon like me has saved your girl but it won't be like that the next time."

"Take her."He told them and sat down.

Their faces alone will tell you to go yourself but she couldn't. Their faces were too scary to see.

Susan had never seen such beings like that before.

They appeared in front of her and held her arms.
"Leave me alone."She shouted.

"Relax."He said."Your stay here will be silent."

"Place her in the glass coffin and poor some pure water in it."He said."I will do the rest later."

"No."She said."You can't do that."

"Oh I can."He replied."And your daughter will soon be with you. That is if she comes here alive."

And with that,they dragged her out.


They walked through the forest and finally got to a nearby river.
Kayla fetched some and flossed her mouth.
"The water is sweet."

They all followed and soon flossed their mouths.

With no words,they continued walking.
They walked for hours until they got to the end of the forest.

"So we're lost."Kayla verified.

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