Chapter 121.

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"I can explain."He begged them

"I don't need your explanation"
She shouted and cut him off.

"Why did you do this?"Kayla asked."Don't you know you've brought bad luck to us? Didn't you think of the pain we will be going through? No wonder Edgar is chasing you like that."

"I can explain."He said.

"And you had the courage to fall in love with the daughter of the one you killed? You are as heartless as Edgar."

"Because of you I can't even do everything right."Leila shouted as tears of anguish rolled down."Because of you, people started teasing us and my mom especially. No one believed me when I told them of how he died. No one and we had to live in such a disgrace for a long time."

"Please forgive me."He said as tears rolled down his cheeks."Please forgive me. It wasn't me that time. I was angry by then."

"Angry? And you couldn't control that heart of yours."And with that,she hit his chest and started hitting him."You brat. As long as I live you will pay for this."

He didn't say a word again. All he did was to stand there and do nothing.
He was in pain both physically and emotionally.

Leinali knew they would finally find out.
Asia and the rest just watched in total shock as it continued.

"Leila."Leinali called and Leila looked at her darkly."I understand what you're going through and you are not the only person."

"And why do you say that?"Kayla cut her off.

"Zenith lost his mother on the day your dad died. It really had a bad effect on him. That was when I too lost two people valuable to me."She said." My sister and......."

She then breathed in and knew what she will say next won't be good to their ears.

"And my best friend."

"Best friend."Leila said to herself."what has my dad got to do with you?"

"He was my closest one."She said."We were together before he found your mother but I was not human and he did not want to cause any trouble."

She narrated the whole thing to her and it seemed to make sense to their ears but the fact that he died didn't change the situation.

"And you're supporting the one who killed him?"Kayla asked in anger."I knew it. I had weird feelings you all and I now get it. You all are not humans. You all are demons and vampires and dragons. Just like that."

"So it was my dad that died.",July said."He killed him."


"No mother."He said."I didn't even get to see him. Zenith why?"

"July I ....Im sorry."He said."I will pay for the problem I have caused."

"Leila, July."Leinali said."Your elder brother."

"Elder brother."

"Leila let's leave from here."Kayla told her."I don't want to have anything to do with people who do not have hearts."

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