Highway or the Hard-Way

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Freeway, 15 miles from Metropolis CBD: Thursday, 7:49pm, 7th of February, 2015:

Along an empty highway, a large commercial truck and trailer was making its way towards the city of Metropolis. While the truck appears inconspicuous and ordinary....the inside is anything but. Within the trailer is a room of very lavish furniture and carpet, and about 15 men and women.....3 of them carry large scimitars on their backs, covered in symbolic tattoos, one in particular of a sword figure 8 on their palm. Another 5 individuals have fanged canines, drinking from sippy cups full of blood and the remaining 6 stand near the large ornate desk that sits in front of a fish tank, they have neither scimitars nor fangs but they do carry an assortment of weapons. Though they seem drastically different, the one thing that they all have in common....is that they are staring at the two men that are bound and tied in the middle of the trailer.

One of the men is wearing a black kevlar armour, black undershirt and matching combat pants and shoes. The kevlar is spray painted with a large white skull that has splotches of blood spread across it. The other man is wearing a similar get up but with more inlaid metal pieces of armour. He also has a sword sheath on his back that is missing said sword. Most of his suit has been damaged in numerous scuffles and fights, doesn't help that the people surrounding them, particularly the ones with fangs are currently inspecting.....or playing.....with his weapons. The other man's too.

"M1911, Beretta M9, M27 automatic rifle, three tactical combat knives, a steel wire and finally, an M60.....you have quite the arsenal, Mr. Castle." A deep, dark voice says as a man in a swinging chair, swings around and faces the two men. The figure is wearing a pristine cut, white business suit, but in contrast, the figure wears a black bone designed mask, hence the man's name.....Black Mask. "Go fuck yourself, Sionis." One of the bound men, Frank Castle, says as he turns his head and spits out a gob of blood. Soft hissing and moaning can be heard from the vampires in the trailer as all their eyes trail to the blood, savouring the smell but they nonetheless manage to control themselves. "Come now, surely we all can be civil here.....we are, of course....business partners." Sionis says as he picks up Castle's M9 and inspects it. "I'm not your business partner, you son of a bitch....and when I get out of here, I'm going to put a bullet in your head, and then some." Castle threatens to Black Mask which causes all the occupants of the trailer, par the other bound man and the ones who carry swords to laugh at Castle's threat. "Seems the Punisher still has some fight left in him." Black Mask says as he turns his head to a sword carrier and nods his head....the woman stares back at him with disgust.

She walks up to Castle and with expert precision, drives her fist into two of Castle's already broken ribs. The man groans softly from the impact but the woman gives him no time to recuperate as she punches him across the cheek, opening another of several cuts along his face. Black Mask and his men laugh while the vampires holler and cheer at the assault. Black Mask puts down the gun and gets up from his seat, approaching Castle. "It seems that you have forgotten....who the fuck you're talking too, Castle? I'm Black fucking Mask! And when I tell you to be civil....you'll be fucking civil!" Black Mask starts off calmly before his mood drastically shifts as he yells in fury at Castle before grabbing him by the face. "Get me a cigarette...about to teach this piece of shit some manners." Black Mask orders his men who hurriedly grab a cigarette and a lighter.

Castle struggles to break free of his binds and the grasp of Black Mask's thugs as they force his head up. "That's enough." The woman from before says quietly but the echo of her order resonates in the trailer. Black Mask looks at her with an annoyed look before sighing in aggravation, pulling his hand that is holding the lit cigarette away from Castle's eye. "You just had to ruin my fun." He says to the woman as he approaches and gets in her face. The woman stares back unflinching as a man beside her, pulls lightly on the sheathed dagger, showing the blade. Black Mask's men see the glint of light and cock their weapons, preparing for a fight. The vampires sit back in total relaxation and eagerness as they await the chaos. The woman holds up her hand to the man, seeing the unspoken question the man sheaths his dagger, the action causing the thighs to relax. "You can have your fun another time, the League of Shadows cares nothing for it but The Head of the Demon has had his fill of patience with these two. Find out what they know, who they know and who they are affiliated with. Failure to achieve this, will result in consequences that you will not like." The woman says calmly to Black Mask who scoffs and turns away from the woman, hitting one of his men in the face with a punch.

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