Happy New Year Part 1: New Threat and Old Friends

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Matthew and Jade Spectre's Apartment, Gotham City: 10:32am, September 26th, 2015:

P.O.V: Matthew 'Ghost Rider' Spectre

The doctors told us that we had to stay overnight, just to be safe and make sure that Jade and Luna were in perfect health. Artemis felt it was unnecessary and Zarathos agreed, saying that his abilities could determine when something is amiss but I was ok with it. I knew that Jade and Luna were alright but I just wanted that comfort knowing that they were looked after. It also gave me time to ring up some good friends and tell them the good news. "Hey Matt, how are you? What's up?" I hear Raquel's voice over the line as I smile. "I'm doing alright, Raquel......hey, I got some good news." I say to hear, even over her line....I can hear her quiet giggle. "Ok...what's the news?" She asks with excitement. I smile before thinking about how to make this fun. "I don't want to spoil it.....are you, Blake and Luke all good to come over to mine and Jade's place.....and then we'll tell you the good news?" I ask her. I hear her talking to Blake in the foreground, telling him about my invitation......Raquel comes back a few seconds later. "Yeah, we'll be there soon." She says before we say our goodbyes and 'see you laters'. I hang up the phone and call two more numbers.....they being Blade and Frank. I told them the same thing that I told Raquel, while Blade is happy to come.....I can hear the slight trepidation in Frank's voice. He is not one for social gatherings or whatnot so he feels sort of out of place with coming but he nonetheless says that he'll be there soon. As much as I hate to admit but I thank Bruce for giving me permission to let Blade and Frank into the Zeta database. While Bruce does have his worries about the both of them, especially Frank, he has told me that he trusts me to be able to handle them and if need be.....bring them in if needed. While I hate Bruce for putting me in that situation, I can't help but acknowledge that I walked right into it. Bruce is a master manipulator, however bad that sounds, it's true. He is able to divert and manipulate people and situations to his advantage. Very well played......doesn't mean that I will bring them in if it comes to that......on the five years since I left the Team....those two men, along with Blake, have been shoulder to shoulder with me as we fought every day and night against the Light, their allies and Lilith and her demons. They have become my friends, my brother's in arms.....and I'll be damned if I betray that trust. The last person I call is Raven. I haven't been able to get as much 'get together and catch up' time with her either simply with her being on the Team and her training under Nabu. But the time we do spend is filled with happy smiles and laughs....though, mostly from me. Raven has always been withdrawn, and training under Fate has left her with showing as little emotion as possible but I do sense, whenever I can, her happiness and appreciation to me being there for her. "Hello." Raven answers after dialling her number. "Hey Rae. How are you?" I ask, it's been a few months since so what the hell. "I'm ok. Just finishing up some study." She replies back as I smile. "That's good. Hey, I got something that you're gonna want to see. Are you able to come over?" I ask her. "I'll have to wait and see if Nabu will let me. If he does, I'll be over as soon as possible." She says back as I nod. "Got it. Well, see you then, hopefully." I say. "See you then, bye Matt." I hear her says back before hanging up. I could almost garuntee that I heard her voice fill with slight mirth at my awkward attempt at a 'see you later'. Even with her emotions under control, Raven never passes up an opportunity to be sarcastic......a very dark, dry sense of humour but one that works for her.

After leaving the hospital, we arrived back home, Jade was a little apprehensive at coming back but with some comforting words from Artemis and Paula, she was able to get her nerves under control. Before we can even get to our front door, a whoosh of air is displaced around us, kicking up our hair. "Hey! Sorry I'm late, got caught in traffic." I focus my eyes and roll them humorously at seeing who has arrived. "Wally! What have I told you about doing that?! And there's a baby here! Did you even think?!" Artemis charges over and pulls Wally by his ear as I laugh at seeing the redhead being reprimanded. Jade and Paula just chuckle at the display. "Ow, ow, ow, ow....ok, ok, ok, ok...I get it, I'm sorry. I promise it won't happen again." Wally hurriedly says as Artemis lets go of his ear.....who Wally in turn rubs it to alleviate the pain. Artemis smiles and laughs at Wally before dragging him over to us. "Wally." I say welcoming as Wally holds his arms out dramatically. "Matty! How you been?" He says with a chuckle as we hug each other, brotherly. "I'm doing good....better then good, now....I hope." I say to him but he waves me off. "Come on, don't doubt yourself. You're a father now, and I now that you know, that I know, that we both know, that you'll do the best job that you can." Wally says as I realise an eyebrow. "Did he really just say that and it made sense? Or am I going crazy?" Jade says as Wally turns to her. Luna is sleeping peacefully in her arms as Wally walks over to her. "Jade....how are you? Long night?" He says teasingly to her which earns him a punch to the shoulder. "Ow....why are you two so violent?" He says to Jade and Artemis respectively who playfully glare at him. Me and Paula just sit back and chuckle at the banter. "Alright, let me see her.....my future niece in law." He asks Jade who in turn pulls a blanket slight off Luna, revealing the child to Wally. His eyes almost go comically wide as he gazes down, lovingly, at the sight of her. "Aww.....she is so cute. May I?" He asks Jade as he holds out his arms, asking permission to hold her. Jade smiles and carefully passes her to Wally. I can see that Wally feels awkward in holding her but after some comforting words from Artemis and a pat of the back from me...he is able to hold her comfortably. "Aww, she is the cutest and precious thing I have ever seen. She definitely got all her looks from her mother, that's for sure." Wally says as I smirk at seeing an opportunity. "I hope for your sake, that was a compliment, Wally.....and not an attempt to hit on my wife?" I say to Wally who eyes widen at realising what he said. He looks around and sees Paula trying desperately not to crack up laughing. Jade has a coy and teasing smile on her face and Artemis is turning an unhealthy shade of red. "What? No, no, no....that was a compliment. She....she'll have your tenacity and attitude....I'm sure....just to balance it out." He says hurriedly as we all laugh at his expense. Seeing that he has been made the brunt of the joke....he glowers at us but eventually turn to one of mirth. "Oh, ha, ha....laugh at my expense." He says before handling Luna back to Jade. I chuckled one last time before opening the door, letting everyone in. "Took you long enough."

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