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Rannian Jungle, Rann: 4:48am, January 5th, 2016:

P.O.V: None

The alien jungle of Rann was tranquil, the sounds of creatures scurry about their lives echoed through the dark purple leaves of the trees. Two reptile-like birds are kneading at something in the ground, when a mechanical blast is heard in the distance, and the rumble of something big coming their way. The birds fly for safety when four individuals come bursting out of the foliage. One of them was a young Rannian woman with a jetpack, another was Miss Martian, using her telekinesis....she uprooted two trees to clear a path for the third and most peculiar individual, a green cheetah with a red and white collar around its neck. Following close behind, is the last member of the group, Superboy. He lands with a thud and goes to leap after his comrades but is blasted in the back. The clone grunts in pain as he is sent skidding along the dirt. Superboy manages to get his bearings and sees another blast rocketing over his head, this one hits the Rannian woman in the jetpack, causing it to malfunction. The woman panics from the damaged electrical wiring and the fluctuating jet power. She unclips from the pack and free falls to the ground as the pack explodes. Seeing her fall, Superboy leaps and catches her but is blasted once again. He groans out another cry of pain as he and the woman are sent flying, Superboy maneuvers himself to shield the woman as he crashes into the dirt, creating a small trench. Miss Martian and the cheetah stop and go to turn back and help their allies, but a glancing blast nearly takes Miss Martian out. She and the cheetah fly for cover, looking to find another way to help. Superboy and the Rannian clear the dust from around them as they look up and stare shocked at the large mechanised, walking, alien tank that comes out of the foliage. The mech levels it's cannons at the duo as Superboy grabs the woman and puts himself in front of him, shielding her completely. The mech locks onto them and fires a blast at them. The force of the impact and resulting blast sends the duo flying towards a cliff. They tumble and try to grasp onto something but they both go over the edge. Superboy grabs the woman's arm and digs his fingers into the rock, slowing and halting their descent. Superboy pulls himself up and glares menacingly at the approaching mech. "This the mission was supposed to go." He vexs mentally as the mech locks all of its weapons onto Superboy, hoping to take out the cloned hero......permanently.

Six and a half hours ago:

Sardath's Laboratory, City of Ranager, Rann: 10:17pm Earth Time, January 4th, 2016:

P.O.V: Connor 'Superboy' Kent

"Whoa. I'm totally walking on an alien planet! Wow, sis, you must say that like...every day on Earth." Gar says enthusiastically as he basks in the sight of the Rannian city that Strange called Ranager. I curl my lip slightly at the wonder that Gar is experiencing here....and while I do find the planet to be very beautiful, it's not the focus on why we are here. "Actually, I kind of do." M'gann mirthly states to Gar as she ruffles his hair. "Wait, we can breathe the air here, right?" Gar says illogically as he holds his throat in worry. I was going to make a sarcastic comment about the fact that we've been her about ten minutes and none of us are suffocating but I reminded myself that Gar is just a kid and doesn't need that kind of attitude pointed at him.....maybe in a few years, maybe.

"Adam! Adam!" We hear a strange accented woman call out Strange's name as we see two Rannians come towards us. Based on their remarkable similarities to humans and body structure, I assume them to be a man and a not to say anything if I'm proven wrong. The woman speaks Rannian to Adam who awkwardly greets the woman and the man. "Uh great...I think. Zeta Squad, these are my Rannian partners...Sardath and his daughter...Alanna." Strange introduces us to the Rannians, but both me and M'gann notice the affectionate tone and gaze that Strange is projecting to Alanna. I gaze to my side and see that M'gann is doing the same thing. I turn away sharply to avoid her gaze and the awkwardness.....I'm also glad that it was Hard that was chosen as the squad's third cause anyone else would have caught on.....very quickly.

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