Home Part 1: Shattered Peace

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Matthew and Jade Spectre's Apartment, Gotham City, 6:53pm, 25th of April, 2015:

P.O.V: Jade 'Cheshire' Spectre née Nguyen

"Ooh....hmmmm." I groan out in discomfort as I softly rest my hand on my left boob. Pregnancy is a bitch and it's only going to get worse from here....but it will be worthwhile while in the end. Thank God for maternity leave. Real civilian work is a godsend compared to what I used to do, so I can't complain but I do thank the person who invented maternity leave, they are now and forever will be, my hero. This baby was never planned, how could it be.....Matt told me that being the host to Zarathos had caused him to basically be infertile. Getting the answers as to why this happened was an awkward endeavour, especially when the answers came from Zarathos of all people. He told us that since becoming the Ghost Rider, Matt has in a state of being alive  and dead, at the same time. He was living and breathing but he couldn't die either, nor pass on life....so to speak. He continued to say that with Matt's resurrection after what happened with Lilith five years ago, the Heavenly Fire had returned to Zarathos and this allowed both him and Matt to return to the 'mortal plane'. This, in turn, had relieved Matt of his undead state and his infertility. Hearing all of this from a feared and terrifying being as he basically explains conception and miracle pregnancy to you was something that I can effectively say as the strangest moment of my life. I break from my thoughts as I relax and rest my head back on the lounge, hoping for the tenderness to dissipate. "This is Vicki Vale, reporting love from GCPD headquarters. Earlier tonight, the police were called to a scene in Old Gotham, where the bodies of 27 men were found. The men were identified and had several connections to the Black Mask Crime Syndicate and also the illegal human trafficking ring, simply known as the Orphans. While details of the massacre are still unknown, sources from GCPD have confirmed that the signature mark white skull of the Punisher was sighted at the scene. While other details are still unknown at this current point, Commissioner James Gordon has ordered a press conference to address the people of Gotham of the massacre." My focus is drawn to the TV as I move myself to sit up. I hear the door open as I turn my head and see Matt walk in, I smile lovingly at him as he passes me by. "Well, hello, điển trai." I say with a suggestive smile as he returns with a smirk and kisses me. "Hello to you too, xinh đẹp. He says before resting his hand on my stomach. His eyes close as I look down and see a light blue flicker of Heavenly Fire. "Hmm.....she's holding strong. She's going to be a little spitfire, I promise you." He says jokingly as I playfully swat him. "Please.....you are bad enough, two of you.....I shudder at the thought." I say as he laughs and kisses me on the head before walking to the kitchen. "How was your day?" He asks before taking out some leftover Chinese and heating it up. "It was alright before you did that." I say with a slight frown. "What?" He questions back but I roll my eyes and give him a disappointed glare. His eyes shift to the empty leftover box and his eyes widen at my implication. "Oh.....I'm sorry, honey. While Vietnamese is alright, Chinese is just slightly better and by the looks of it....you are the last of it." He says as I scowl and grab a pillow and throw it at him. "Hey! What was that for?" He asks but I turn away from him and face the TV, ignoring him.

Matt walks over to the couch and stands just outside my peripheral, I roll my eyes as I edge away from him. He sighs and kneels on the floor before me, causing me to turn to face him......what is going on is that head of his? "I'm sorry.....I shouldn't have said that Chinese was better than Vietnamese......that was rude and inconsiderate of me......can you forgive me, em yêu?" He says dramatically but still lovingly as he lowers his head on my hand. I drop my angry gaze and smile happily at him. "Of course, I forgive you. I can't sleep without my pillow to keep me company." I say jokingly as he smiles and crashes into the couch and pulls me in close to him. I laugh as he begins plastering me with kisses to my neck and temple. "Matt, stoooop." I say with no real heat as he chuckles and continues to do so. "How can I stop.....you're too beautiful to let go." He says lovingly as I roll my eyes with mock exasperation and face him. "Such a charmer." I say.....we gaze into each other's eyes before softly crashing our lips together passionately. Breaking away, he rests his head on mine as we stare into each other's eyes, lovingly. "What would my life be without you?" He says as I smile and peck his lips again. "Very boring, I imagine." I say as he laughs. "I would guess so, too." He says just as the microwave alarm goes off. "Can I please get my Chinese?" He asks as I mock glare at him. "Sure....but next time, you're getting more Vietnamese or you're sleeping on the couch." I say as he gets up and walks into the kitchen. A mock look of horror on his face. "My God, what could compel you to speak such evil?" He says jokingly as I smile and shake my head at his antics. My focus is back on the TV, which is now showing James Gordon, on a podium before a sea of reporters.

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