same thing, AHEM "This series will discuss violence and if I do draw for this one, it'll be disturbing, probably."
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Mysterious dude 2: You should get searching now, Yasuke!
Mysterious dude 2: I stole your personal information! It was easy to find in that box!
Yasuke: WHY WERE YO-
Mysterious dude 2: Oh, it looks like your "friends" found my food!
Yasuke: WHAT THE- OH SH-
Mysterious dude 2: It's your time! Come up or death is incoming early.
Yasuke: WTF-
Mysterious dude 2: Lemme hack something... now we're on your mother's TV screen!
Yasuke: But she doesn't watch T-
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Mysterious dude 2: There we go!
Wizard: Why can't we just break the device and snatch it off?
Scientist: Oh yeah, we can do that!
Mysterious dude 2: Well uhm, I haven't thought of that.. well... SIKE!
Wizard: Huh?
Mysterious dude 2: Once you take it off, it'll active your own attack on you and kill you! If someone else does it, it'll use your ability on them! Also if I take it off, you have won and you may go!
Spectre: But what if you're someone like me?
Mysterious dude 2: Well, it appears that I have a flaw in my-
Lemonade Cat [1]: THERES TWO OF ME, LOL
Lemonade Cat [2]: AHAHAHAH BESTIES
Mysterious dude 2: Uhm.... well, CUE THE MASSIVE MEMORY WIPE!
Scientist: WAIT WHA-
wipey wipe wipe
Wizard: Who am I? Where t-
Mysterious dude 2: [explains literally everything] I won't tell you guys, your names though. It is your job to find out your name, last one to find out will die and name shall be told!
Byte: Idiot, I'm a robot that has cloud data.
Mysterious dude 2: Oh.. well-
Mysterious dude 2: Out of all things you could remember, you remembered... MR BEAST??
Lemonade Cat: Yeah?
Mysterious dude 2: Ugh. Just find out your name.
Scientist: Can't we just read our names on this wattpad st-
Mysterious dude 2: NO BREAKING THE 4TH WALL, you all are "???"s now.