[STARXZ] How did Spectre and Lure even die the mystery

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hm how did they, will the towers find out??? ok now lets start this lol

Scientist: Woo, nice sav- wait a minute, Spectre?

Spectre: Yeah?

Scientist: If you're a ghost, how did you even die?

Spectre: Well... uhm... I err... ate paper!

Scientist:... I don't believe that's a death reason...

Spectre: Well, somebody died eating toilet paper!

Scientist: It said nothing about regular paper!

Balloon Pal: Guys, I think we need to return to the lobby-

Scientist: Well, okay then.

[They all go into the lobby]

Scientist: Byte, do you ever wonder why Spectre is a ghost?

Byte: N o  I d e a  R e s e a r c h  c o m m e n c i n g...

Scientist: Hey, that's my job!


Hayes: So Lure, I brought you here to ask how you even became a ghost.

Lure: Simple, I just lost all 9 lives!

Hayes:... No, like the reason!

Lure: No, I'm going to steal from your farm now!


[Back somewhere else lol]

Wizard: Hm.. now that I think of it, why is Spectre and Lure, ghosts? I know, I'll ask them by putting them into a pineapple shaped box and surrounding it with salt! CHEF, WE NEED A PINEAPPLE BOX!

[They make pineapple box and they commit Luigi's mansion to Spectre]

Wizard: Spectre, we put you into this pineapple shaped box surrounded by salt to ask you questions.

Spectre: No *ascends upwards and goes away*

Wizard: OH MY-

in conclusion they failed lol

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