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" Toh when are you going to propose her " said someone from behind.

Ranbir - Mom , you?
Pallavi - Yes me!! If you love Prachi then when will you tell her , at that time when she will marry someone else and her child will call you mamu ?

Ranbir - Mom yaar , here I was dreaming to get marry with her and there you are saying something else. Mamu seriously!? Her child will call me Dad not Mamu.
Pallavi teasingly - Ohho!! How desperate you are to listen Dad from her child. Not bad!
Ranbir - Mom , not her child , mines and Prachi's child....
Pallavi - 😊 you know what? Just few minutes ago I was talking to your dad that we should get you and Prachi married. I was thinking to go to Pragya's house to talk about this. You both look so cute and beautiful together. You both are very understanding , caring and loving. No one can make a perfect match with you except Prachi. She won my heart and I can't give her place to anyone , not to you even.

Ranbir - Nice mom , You forgot your own child. This is not fair.
Pallavi - Hnn!! Enough now. Go and sleep.... And you know that how much i love you and no one can take your place.
Ranbir - I love you too mom....
Pallavi - Par do remember one thing. If you will not propose Prachi soon then i am going to throw you out of this house.
Ranbir - Okk Mam!! But mom , I need to make her comfortable with me first.
Pallavi - I know , she is a girl she needs to get comfortable first. You know a girl falls for a guy with whom she is comfortable , with whom she feels that she is safe....
Ranbir - I know mom....
Pallavi - Okay good night....
Ranbir - Good Night!
She left!


Next Morning :

Prachi and Aryan were going somewhere in the car....

Prachi - Aryan are you sure , he will help us?
Aryan - Prachi , i am 100 and 1 percent sure he will help us. I searched every detail of Maya's past yesterday night. I talked to her friends and then i came to know about him.
Prachi - I hope everything will get sorted.
Aryan - Don't worry , Until your brother is here you don't need to worry about anything....
Prachi smiled at him.


Shahana - She told me that she will go with me to find Proofs against Maya but she left with that bandar leaving me here. Prachi , this is not fair. That Bandar ( Aryan ) you steal my sister from me. *Fake crying* i will not leave you.

Pragya asked Shahana - Where is Prachi?
Shahana to herself - Oh God!! We haven't told anything to masi. Should i tell her or not?
Pragya - Where are you lost? Where is Prachi?
Shahana - Woh actually, she left with Aryan due to some office work. She will come soon don't worry.
Pragya - Okay!! And where you going?
Shahana - I was going to office because Prachi was saying that she forgot to take an important file which she needs to show in the office. So , i am going to give her the file. Okk masi bye i am getting late.
Pragya - Hmm!! Take Care.

She left.


Ranbir - You mean Prachi and Aryan both went somewhere and they didn't even informed me.
Shahana - Actually , Prachi was saying that she don't want you to get in any trouble. That's why she left without informing you.

Ranbir - They both should have atleast informed me but it's okay. Do one thing , call Aryan and ask him where they both are? And tell him to send me the location i am also coming to them.
Shahana nodded and followed his instructions sincerely.

Soon , Aryan send them the location and Ranbir and Shahana also left.


Rhea - What should we do now? I mean I don't know what Prachi is upto? And if we will say something to the police against that Maya and she will expose us. But if i will not collect the proofs against Maya then how will i get my Ranbir back from Prachi.

Alia - Don't worry, i have an idea. I will somehow manage to make Prachi work in the office so that she can got busy in office works and here you have to convince Maya that we will get her out of the jail after sometime but for now she have to say that she trapped Ranbir for money.
Rhea - Ohk!! I will try to convince her.
Alia nodded.


On the other side Arhana and Pranbir were going somewhere. Aryan was driving the car and Shahana was sitting at the passenger seat whereas Ranbir and Prachi were seating at the backside.

Ranbir - Aur kitna dur?
Aryan - Bro , we will reach soon have some patience.
Prachi - Don't worry Ranbir , everything will be okay. And remember i am with you , i will not allow anyone to hurt you.
Prachi and Ranbir shared an eye lock.... Both were looking into each other's eyes forgetting about their surrounding....

Aryan - Ahem Ahem! We reached.
Ranbir and Prachi came into the reality. They four stepped out of the car and walked inside a beautiful mansion.
It's when Prachi's phone ringed. She saw the caller id , it was Alia who was calling her.

Prachi after picking the call - Hello! Yes Alia mam.
Alia - Where are you Prachi? Come to the office right now , there is an important meeting going to held today and you are resting at your home. How can you become so careless? Are you interested in doing the work or not? If not , then tell me , i will hire someone else.
Prachi - Sorry but no one informed me about any meeting.
Alia - So is this my problem? You should be updated by yourself.
Prachi - Sorry Mam!
Alia - go to hell with your sorry. And come fast.
Prachi - Mam actually , I am with....
Alia - I don't care about your personal life. This is my order come to the office.
Prachi - Okay i am coming..


Ranbir - Is there any problem? And where are you going?
Prachi - Alia mam called me immediately in office , i have to go.
Ranbir - But....
Aryan - Prachi , we need you here.
Prachi - Don't worry! I will be connected to you through office.
Ranbir - Okay!!
Arhana walked inside the house but Ranbir stayed outside.
Ranbir - Prachi , Take Care.... And call me when you will reach there.

She nodded and was about to go when Ranbir held her wrist and made her turn towards him.
Ranbir - Thanks for everything you did yesterday.  This "Thanks" is not enough for everything you did to help me but Prachi , you are the most special person in my life. And i can't lose you. I don't know what will happen next but please promise me , that you will never go away from me....
Prachi emotionally - I promise you that , I will always be there for you no matter what. You have a very special place in my heart and I can't give that place to anyone.... because i Lo.....


1150 + words.

Do share your views.
Next part will be out tomorrow.
Sorry for the mistakes....

Take Care!

Love and Trust - Pranbir Where stories live. Discover now