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Aryan , continued - And don't worry , one of my friend is already in Saritaji's house. I had told him to get the cctv footage today. So that we all can know who was actually behind Maya's case. And i will not leave that person because of whom my bestfriend got trapped and because of whom everyone is blaming my sister.
Shahana , in a serious tone - Till then stay with your mouth shut.
She said looking at Rhea , Alia and Abhi.

Pragya , angrily - And Mr. Mehra , before teaching my daughter teach your daughter some moral values. Tell her the difference between Obsession and Love.
Rhea was somewhere hurt after listening Pragya. Undoubtedly she hate her daughter but she has a soft corner for Pragya. She always wanted a mother like Pragya. But today....

Pragya was hell angry due to Abhi and Rhea's behaviour towards Prachi. Her anger could be clearly seen on her face. Prachi was trying to calm her down. Ahana too was standing on by Pragya's side. But she soon left from there.

Ranbir to Pragya - Aunty please calm down. I know you are angry but don't worry everything will be alright.
Prachi - Yes Maa!

Abhi was still looking at Pragya and Prachi. He was digesting the fact that Prachi is his daughter. His daughter , whom he missed so much.

Here Alia was thinking how to get Pragya out of this house. She don't want Pragya in front of Mehras because it may ruin every single thing she did to separate her brother from Pragya. Her hate for Prachi increased more after knowing that she is Pragya's daughter.

Soon Aryan's friend Arjun arrived there breaking everyone's thoughts which were roaming in there minds.
Arjun came there with a bag , to Aryan - here is your laptop.
Aryan - Is everything okay in this?

Arjun - Yes , the previous video was taken from backside camera but when i asked your security guard he told me about other camera , from which we can clearly see the face of those two ladies. You can check.
Aryan nodded and Arjun gave him the laptop and he left from there.

Aryan , to everyone - Now your doubts will get clear.
Rhea was about to say something....
Aryan looking towards Rhea - Till then nobody will create any scene here.
This made Rhea looked away annoyingly.

She didn't show it anyone but she was very nervous as she knew now neither her manipulation nor fake cries , nothing would work. That's why she stayed quiet and went towards Alia.
Rhea , nervously - Buji, do something.
Alia signed Rhea to stay quiet because she herself was feeling helpless. She herself don't know what to do. 

And soon the video started.
And everyone were shocked seeing those two ladies. Abhi who was supporting his so called Daughter a minute ago was herself the reason for Maya's arrival in Ranbir's life this thought made him angry and shocked.

Alia and Rhea exchanged the looks. Both looked at each other nervously.

Ranbir shockingly looked at Rhea and Alia but he was also happy from inside because the truth that his Prachi is not behind her finally came out. He closed his eyes in relief that now atleast now no one will blame her , because he can't tolerate tears in her eyes. Every single drop of tear from her eyes was hurting him. But his relief soon turned into anger. He angrily looked at that girl who hurted his love.

When the video ended. A sound of a tight slap echoed in the hall. Everyone's eyes shifted towards Pragya who slapped Alia.
Alia , angrily - How dare you?
Pragya - And how dare you to blame my daughter?
Alia was quiet seeing Pragya's anger.

Everyone turned tensed because Pragya was getting unconscious.
Prachi , tensely - Maa!
Ranbir picked an unconscious Pragya in his arms and took her to the room.

Purab to Vikram - Call the doctor.
Vikram nodded.
Abhi worriedly entered inside the room. And he sat beside Pragya.
Prachi who was sitting on the other of Pragya worriedly said - Maa , please wake up.
Abhi - Prachi don't worry. She will be fine. I am here with you and your mom.

Love and Trust - Pranbir Where stories live. Discover now