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Aryan after teasing him for a while left from their to sleep with Ranbir.

Rhea sadly - Buji , Now also Prachi won. I feel dejected.
Alia - Rhea , they haven't married yet. We still have time. Calm down and let's go and sleep.


Purab - Are you Abhi or someone else? Your behaviour is making me so confused? Are you blind that you are not able to see Prachi and Ranbir's love?
Abhi - I never got a true love. I don't want my daughter to feel the same pain. That's why , I will not let Ranbir and Prachi's marriage. Rhea loves him and only she will get him.

Purab - Oh!! Seriously. What will you do then?
Abhi - I will ask Vikram and Pallavi for Rhea and Ranbir's marriage.
Purab - And it will not happen. You can separate them physically but not emotionally , mentally and by heart. Just like you love Pragya dii.

Abhi smirked - No Purab, I don't love her. I have already pushed her out of my life. I hate her for snatching my two daughters from me. I am still waiting for my elder daughter. When I will come to know about her , I will not let that Pragya to come near her. The way she snatched her from me , i will snatch my daughter from her.

Purab - Why are you talking so rubbish? From when did this hatred came into you. And you are also hating Prachi now.
Abhi - You don't know anything about Prachi. Rhea told me that she manipulated everyone that's why all of you are taking her side. You don't know Purab , You don't know ahout her true colour. Even I was unaware, but thankfully, Rhea told me everything.
Purab - I think your daughter is manipulating you.
Abhi - Shut Up Purab.
Purab - Do whatever you want but don't hurt anyone's feeling.

Next Morning

Prachi was sleeping peacefully like a small baby in her room. Shahana was already ready and she went outside the room to help Pallavi Aunty in making the breakfast.
Sun rays fall on a beautiful sleeping figure , Prachi. She got disturbed by the sun rays and opened her eyes slowly. Then , she realised that she is in Kohli house. She went inside the washroom and did her morning routine. She took a quick bath. Soon she realised that she has no clothes to wear. But their was a white shirt , so she decided to wear it as her clothes were outside the washroom which Pragya , her mother already gave to Pallavi. She came outside the washroom.

Prachi ( To herself ) - Thank God! This is Ranbir's old room where he keeps some of his clothes , otherwise....
She heard that someone is opening the door of her room but she ignored it as she thought that that person is Shahana.

Prachi ( not looking at that person ) - Shahana , where are my clothes? Maa already gave them to Pallavi Aunty but I don't know where did she put my clothes.
" But you are looking the most beautiful girl in my shirt " said Ranbir who was looking at his ladylove and smiling like a hero. Indeed , he is the hero of her life.

She found the sound familiar so she turned and looked at that person. She blushed slightly and she nervously looked at him.
Prachi nervously - What are you doing here?
Ranbir smilingly - Breakfast is ready so mom asked me to call you from your room to have the breakfast.
Prachi nodded.
Ranbir - My shirt suits you.
And he winked at her which made her blush more.

Prachi - I don't know where my clothes are.
Ranbir - wait , I am calling Shahana.
Prachi nodded and went towards the washroom. After sometimes , Shahana arrived in the room and took the clothes and gave them to Prachi and she went from there but not without giving her teasing look.

Ranbir was still in her room. He was checking the e-mail of his office. And He also replied Thank you to many wishers who wished him Happy Birthday and he also invited his college mates for attending tonight's party which was going to held in Kohli house. After few minutes, Prachi opened the door of washroom and came to him.

Love and Trust - Pranbir Where stories live. Discover now