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While watching the movie , Ranbir felt something heavy on his shoulder. So , he looked their and found Prachi sleeping cutely with her head on his shoulder.
Ranbir slowly - You are the most beautiful girl i have ever seen. I wish , i will get marry to you and afte our marriage also I will take care of you , your periods , your mood swings , your chocolates , your everything.

He decided to let her sleep and he switched off the movie and started to do some work on his laptop. He worked for a while and then he also slept there sitting in the same position. His head was on Prachi's head.

This scene was witnessed by Purab , Vikram and Aryan. As they were passing from there so they looked into Ranbir's cabin through the window glass. Three of them smiled looking at Pranbir.

Purab - They are getting closer to each other. Congratulations Vikram Kohli , You have found your daughter in law.
Vikram smiled - Thank you. And congratulations to you too.
Aryan - I am so confused right now.
Vikram - Why?
Aryan - Ranbir is my brother but Prachi is also like my sister. So , after their marriage , Ranbir will be my Jiju or Prachi will be my Bhabhi.
Purab laughed softly - I think you should call Prachi your bhabhi after their marriage. Because Devar - Bhabhi's bond the best bond of this entire world.
He said while remembering Pragya.
Vikram - He is right. Okk leave this , let's go.


Rhea stepped inside the office to meet Ranbir.
Rhea - I should to keep my eyes on Ranbir and Prachi. Otherwise , that Prachi will definitely snatch him from me.
She was walking towards Ranbir's cabin but stopped by Vikram.
Vikram - Where are you going?
Rhea - To meet Ranbir.
Vikram - Rhea , he is busy. You can't meet him now.
Then Abhi arrived there with Purab.
Abhi - I think Rhea can meet him afterall she loves him she has the right on him.
Purab ( To Abhi ) - But he is busy. And most important think , get this into your head she loves him but he loves Prachi. She has no right to come between them.
Rhea - Uncle, why are you talking like this to dad.
Purab - Because you and your dad both are mad who don't care about others feeling.

Abhi - I was just fighting for Rhea as she loves him.
Vikram - Abhi listen to me. I will never accept Rhea as my daughter in law because for me and my family Prachi is our soon to be daughter in law.
Vikram and Purab left from there angrily.

Rhea fakely crying - Dad , she is snatching everyone from me one by one.
Abhi - Don't worry Rhea , I know you love him very much and he is yours. You go and meet him. I will come to you after my meeting.
Rhea nodded and left.

Ranbir's cabin

Pranbir were sleeping silently and then Rhea opened the door and saw them.

Rhea fumingly - Why they are sleeping like this?
Ranbir's sleep got disturbed by her voice and opened his eyes and saw her.
Ranbir carefully make Prachi laid on the sofa without disturbing her sleep and he also adjusted a pillow under her head so that she can sleep peacefully and comfortably.

Ranbir slowly - Listen if you want to talk then speak in a low voice she is sleeping and i don't want to disturb her.
Rhea - Oh! What is she doing here?
This made Prachi stir in sleep but she pretended that she is sleeping.

Ranbir while ignoring her question - Do you want something? If yes they say it fast or else get out.
Rhea - This is not the way to talk. Be a gentleman.
Ranbir smilingly - Ohk! Can you please get out from here or you want me to throw you out from my cabin?
Rhea - Ranbir please don't stay with her. I don't like her and i love you.
Ranbir - Rhea please i don't care if you like her or not but I love her the most.
Rhea - Ranbir , she put the fake allegations on you.
Ranbir - That person was Maya not Prachi.
Rhea - That person was Prachi who planned all this with Maya.

She hugged him tightly and Ranbir was saying her to stay away but she didn't listened to him.
This was enough for Prachi. Prachi stood up from the sofa and separated her from Ranbir and the next move of her shocked Ranbir and Rhea both as she slapped Rhea hard.

Prachi - Stay away from him. He loves me and I.... he don't love you that's it.
Ranbir smilingly - ( To Prachi ) Not bad. You can't see my with her. Right? And then he winked at her.  ( To Rhea ) And Rhea now please get out otherwise my Prachi will push you out.

Prachi looked at him and smiled shyly listening My Prachi from his mouth.
Rhea - How dare you to slap me?
Prachi - How dare you to hug him?
Rhea - This is out of your business. I can....
Prachi - No you can't. ( She shouted ) Get Out!
Rhea with no other option have to go out from the cabin.

Prachi - Now , why are you smiling? Rhea is so chepu. But you don't worry I will protect you.
Ranbir smiled at her - Ohk...


At Night.

Ranbir was working on his laptop. And Prachi was checking some files.

Ranbir - Prachi , are you done with work?
Prachi nodded yes.
Ranbir - Then let's go. I will drop you.
Prachi - Ohk!

They both walked outside the cabin. Firstly , Prachi gave the file to Purab and then they both started to walk to the parking area....

The walk was silent yet beautiful. One was admiring his love with his brown eyes and he was thinking that how time changes. Firstly he used to hate her then they became a good friend then best friends and now she is his life with whom he wants to live with. Without her , he can't imagine his life.
Other one was thinking that why she got jealous when Rhea hugged him.

They both stepped inside the car. Ranbir was sitting at the driver seat while Prachi was sitting beside him at Passenger seat.

Ranbir while breaking the silence - I wish this beautiful face will never get fade. Thanks for everything Miss Prachi Arora.
Prachi - Thanks to you too. And she smiled.


Hope you will like it.
Sorry for the mistakes.
Take Care!

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