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" The truth will always be the truth. Even if no one believes it " said someone from behind.
Abhigya and Rhea turned to look at that person.

Rhea approached towards that person dangerously - Who are you to speak in between our family matter?
Ahana , calmly - You will get to know soon. But right now , i am not interested in talking to you.
Rhea - No one is interested in talking to you as well. Every guest have left already , You should also leave.
Ahana with a smirk on her face - Shut Up! You criminal lady.
Rhea moved her hand to slap her but Ahana was ready enough to stop her.

Ahana moved from there and went towards Abhigya. Sorry Abhi and Pragya.
Abhi - Who are you?
Ahana - Leave it!! So what were you saying? Your so called sister has changed herself. You are mistaken Mr. Mehra. If she wasn't the one who kidnapped Prachi and who threatened Miss Pragya to sign the divorce papers , they how come she has these original copy of yours and Miss Pragya's divorce papers?
She showed the divorce papers to Abhi and he read them carefully.

Abhi - You can also speak lie.
Pragya - I am not here to prove myself.
Ahana - Mr. Mehra , these are the papers i got from Alia's room.
Abhi , questioningly - When did you find it?
Ahana - When you all were blaming Prachi for nothing. I was going to show them in the hall itself but Miss Pragya's health was not good and it wasn't the right time.

Rhea , frustratedly - Now just leave.
Ahana , angrily - Shut Up!
Someone hurriedly entered in the room.
Abhi , looked at the door - Alia?
Alia - Bhai , I think there is any  Robber in our house. Someone has checked my room and he has stolen my important papers.

Pragya , smirked: This papers?
She showed the papers to Alia which shocked her.
Abhi questioned her about Prachi's kidnapping which made her nervous.
Pragya - See!! I told you. Alia had kidnapped my Prachi.
Abhi looked at Alia dangerously and approached towards her only to give her a tight slap.
Abhi - How dare you? Why did you kidnapped her?
Pragya - Leave her! Now if you want Prachi then you have to send Alia in jail for everything she did with us in past and for Ranbir's mollestion case.

Alia , shockingly - No, Bhai will never send me in jail.
Pragya , Straight forwardly - Prachi Or Alia?
Abhi looked between his sister and wife sorry ex wife. And he left from there.

Alia , looked at Pragya - He will never send me in jail. Afterall i am her sister and he Loves very much.
Alia and Pragya argued for sometimes whil Ahana left from there without getting noticed by anyone.

In the meantime ,Abhi took his phone out from the pocket and dialled the number to Police Station and after sometimes Police arrested Alia which obviously shocked her as she didn't expected that her brother will choose her daughter over her.

In all this while , the only thing which was good is: Pranbir were sleeping peacefully without anyone's interference.

Next Day:

Ranbir's room

A beautiful girl was sleeping peacefully with her cute boyfriend who was snuggling his head into her chest because of sun rays which were falling down on his face.

Prachi opened her eyes slowly and looked at the handsome figure in front of her: Her Handsome Boyfriend. She smiled at him and she kissed his forehead lovingly. Her eyes noticed his one hand on her waist which was holding her closer to him. She slowly helped herself from getting out of his grip without disturbing his sleep and replaced herself with a pillow and then she went inside the washroom to do her morning routine.

Few minutes later , Prachi came back to this room after taking a quick bath and she wore her clothes which Pallavi gave Shahana to give Prachi.
Prachi went towards the mirror to comb her hairs. When she felt someone's arms around her waist who was hugging her from behind. She could feel who that person was.

Love and Trust - Pranbir Where stories live. Discover now