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because i Lo.....

She was about to confess her love to him but Aryan interruptted....
Aryan - Ranbir , come.... We don't have enough time.
Ranbir - Yes coming... Prachi , you were saying something....
Prachi - No nothing , Take Care bye i am going.
She left immediately.


Inside the house :

Boy - Who are you?
Aryan - Myself Aryan Khanna and I want to ask you something.
Boy - What do you want to ask?
Aryan - Listen , Gautam i know you were Maya's boyfriend....
Gautam - yes , she was my girlfriend... She cheated on me for my money. Firstly , I used to love Sonali her friend but then she came between us and she said that Sonali is using me for money but instead she was the one who used me for my money.... I will never forgive that Maya. Because of her we suffered alot.

Ranbir - Can you please help us?
Gautam - Yes but how can i help you?
Ranbir - Actually Maya put fake allegations on me saying that i tried to mollest her but this is not the reality i wasn't in my senses she made me drank.
Gautam - Hmm!! I trust you because i know Maya can go to any extent for money. She did the same thing to a boy who used to study in the same college where she was studying. When the boy asked him to take back the FIR she asked him the huge amount of money.

Shahana - Ohk!! She is such a cheap girl. Gautam can you do a favour?
Gautam - Yes i can.
Shahana - Day after Tomorrow please come to the police station with that boy whom you are talking about. And give a statement against her. Please.

Gautam - Sure! This action of mine will help you to come out of the trouble and I will be able to take the revenge.
Ranbir - Good then Thank you so much.
Gautam smiled at him.

At Office :

Alia - Complete this work quickly. I have to show this report to the managers of Department.
Prachi - Yes sure!
Alia left from there.

She called Aryan to know whether everything is going good or not. She picked her phone and call Aryan.
Prachi on call - Is there everything okay?
Aryan - Yes Prachi everything is fine here. Don't worry.
Prachi - What did that guy say?
Aryan told her everything.
Prachi - Good but Aryan , if Maya asked for the proofs what will we do?
Aryan - You are right. I forgot about it.
Prachi - Do one thing. Without telling anyone , go to your house and check the CCTV footage of that day. Maybe we can found something relatable. And give me Sonali's number.
Aryan - ohk!

Arhana and Ranbir stepped inside the car. And Arhana went to the house while Ranbir went to office.

Arhana's side :

They both reached to the Mehra house. Aryan moved towards the CCTV room. And asked the guard to show him the CCTV of Lohri party.
Guard did the same.

Aryan to himself - Thank God! I found it. But who are these two persons?
Only Maya's face is visible here.  But it's okay this video is enough to expose Maya and those two ladies i will search for them as well. But for now this video is enough as a proof.

He left from there after taking the video and warned the guard to not to say something about it in front of anyone. And the guard also left from there.

At office:

There was no one inside the office as it was late 12 AM except Prachi and Ranbir. Ranbir was working in his cabin and Prachi was also working as per the order of Alia.

Prachi - I don't know what Alia mam wants from me. If there was no meeting today then why did she called me here so urgently. And this work is looking totally useless. Why she is telling me for preparing last year's report. Thankfully , it is going to be complete.

It's when Ranbir came to her.
Ranbir - Prachi , are you done with your work? I will drop you , come.
Prachi - Hmm! I think we should go from here. I am hungry , I need to reach my home soon so that i can fill my Tommy with some food.
She made a cute face and a soft chuckle escaped from Ranbir's mouth.

Ranbir - Okay come , I will drop you but before that we both will go to the restaurant to eat something. 
Prachi happily - Thankuu!
They left.
They were going to the restaurant but Prachi insisted him to go to the dhaba so they went to the dhaba.
They both settled themselves on the chairs Ranbir said - Prachi , you should have chosed Restaurant because Restaurants have more hygiene and healthy and tasty food than Dhaba's.

Prachi looked at him - Have you ever came here?
Ranbir - actually no.
Prachi - Then? We shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. Sometimes we love the things which we used to hate the most. Who knows after eating the food here you will fall in love with this Dhaba?
Ranbir smiled looking at her and said to himself - Hmm!! The way i started to love you.

Soon , the Dhaba man served them the food.
Ranbir thanked him. And they both started to eat their food.
Prachi - Ranbir , you eat this partha , this is not so spicy. The one you have is spicy. you will not be able to eat that. I ordered that for me.
Ranbir - Wait what? I will not be able to eat spicy Paratha? You know what Prachi , i love eating spicy. I can eat spicy , I can walk spicy , i can talk spicy. Don't worry i will eat this one only. And by the way , I am working with you since so long. Teekhi mirchiyo ki toh ab mujhe aadat ho gayi hai.

Prachi - Oh okk then.
They both started to eat. Ranbir's face after eating one piece of the Paratha became red. Prachi looked at him and laughed slowly but soon she controlled herself from laughing.

( I am not good at describing the things. so please tolerate this. Sorry! 😅 )

Prachi controlling herself from laugh - Do you want water?
Ranbir - Ahem ahem!! No no. I am okay.
Prachi - then why aren't you eating the food?
Ranbir - Actually , i am not feeling hungry. My stomach is full. You continue eating.
Prachi - Arey aese kese? I think this food is spicy that's why you are not eating.
Ranbir while removing his jacket - No , it's not like that. The weather is so hot here.
Prachi laughed out loud. While laughing she said - Bss enough for now. If you can't eat spicy then why are you trying to show this?
Ranbir - No , Prachi... Ahem ahem.... I can.

Prachi - Shut Up!
She offered him the water & said - Drink this quietly.
With no time , Ranbir held the glass of water and started to drink the water fastly.
Prachi - Slowly!! Ranbir....
But he wasn't listening to her. Prachi was laughing all the while.
After finishing the water , he felt good - Oh God!! How spicy this food was? Itna teekha kon banata hai.... And you ( while looking at Prachi ) Stop laughing. Seems like you were enjoying . haina?
Prachi still laughing. - i told you , Don't eat this but you weren't listening me. Now see. I think we should head towards our home , it's too late.

They both stood up. And started to move towards the car but Prachi's laugh was not going away from her mouth. Then Ranbir also smiled looking at her. Her smile was making his heart beat faster , for him Prachi was looking the most beautiful girl in this whole world now. Although , she looks the most beautiful girl everytime for him but her smile has some magic which always makes him drown more into her love. Then an idea striked his mind. He pulled her closer to him and pinned her to the car. He leaned down and kissed her cheeks softly. She closed her eyes in shock.

Ranbir whispered in her ears softly - This is your punishment as you are continuously laughing on me....
Prachi looked at him. Both were staring into each other's eyes lovingly. They were inches apart from each other. Ranbir's gaze moved towards her lips. He was about to close the distance between them but suddenly some water droplets started to fall on them. Prachi looked at the sky.

Prachi smilingly - Baarish!! She pushed him lightly and moved from there and opened her arm to feel the rain. She was now playing with the water droplets.... While Ranbir was looking at her.

Ranbir while looking at her - You are the last thought in my mind before i go to sleep and the first thought when i wake up. I promise Prachi , I will always make you feel happy like you are now. I will never let that Maya or anyone to come between us. I will always love you and i will try to give you all the happiness.


1450 + words

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Next part will be out tomorrow.
Sorry for the mistakes....

Take Care!

Love and Trust - Pranbir Where stories live. Discover now