A Day At The Beach

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A Day At The Beach

Chapter 32!

January 1998 - Malibu

Albany was sitting on one of the chairs near the balcony's doorway, the day was sunny. She was enjoying the sea air while she had the chance, they would be returning to the Ministry in a few hours time. The meeting had already taken place, the client had left over an hour ago. Copia was tying up some loose ends, he had been on the telephone with Sister Imperator for the last ten minutes. Her gaze lingering on the beautiful ocean view before her Albany enjoyed her hot beverage, she watched a group of seagull paddling and searching for food in the ocean. She hadn't slept well last night, the memories of her nightmare had kept her awake. 

Copia had stayed with her for most of the night, he had brought Monopoly to bed with them. They had played the board game for an hour, but they stopped playing halfway through for a coffee and cookie break. After that they had curled up together in bed, their sinful acts remained dormant. Copia had told her more stories about his beach holidays with Sister, he let slip that he had lost his swimming trunks in the ocean when he was six years old. His little story had lightened Albany's mood, especially when he mentioned he had to wear his rubber ring to protect his dignity while they walked back to car. She soon fell asleep, but when she had awoken her lover wasn't there. But this was normal, he never stayed with her while she slept. He had gone to his own guestroom, she had seen sprawled out on his bed before she went to take a shower this morning. Albany's thoughts were disturbed by someone moving a chair in the lounge, she soon heard Copia calling her name from inside the beach house.

" Albany, where are you?!"

" I'm outside!" She yelled.

Looking over her shoulder Copia appeared in the doorway, he wasn't wearing his cassock. He had gotten changed into a black tracksuit, but he was still wearing his gloves. His arms stretching above his heard his back cracked and crunched. Albany winced before she turned her attention back towards the ocean view, she drank more of her coffee. Copia soon joined her, his gloved hands slipping over her shoulders caught her attention. She felt his thumbs circling above her shoulder blades, his finger gently massaged her shoulders she closed her eyes. He bushed her hair over her left shoulder, his thumbs slowing running up the back of her neck she softly moaned. He was good with his hands, he always told her they were magic. She was beginning to believe him, the things he could do with his fingers were sinful. His hands slipping through the collar of her dress they began to wander, his lips finding her neck he hungrily kisses her skin. A giggle escaped her lips when he tickled her, his hands had somehow managed to make it to her hips. His hands soon returned to shoulders, he continued to rub them.

" This is nice, yes?" He asked.

" It's more than nice, it's heavenly." She replied.

" You know we could stay another night, it would do you good." He said, he slowly ran his hands down her back." I could ask Sister to extend the business trip, she would say yes. It's the weekend, we don't have work until Monday. I'm owed some holiday time."

" It sounds very tempting, but what if I have another night terror?" She asked.

" You won't have anymore bad dreams, we can make today a good day." He said.

" I do like the sound of a good day." She said before she looked up at him. " I could do with a mini break from the Ministry, but I will need to call Terzo. We normally have dinner together on weekends with Secondo and Primo, it's family time. I'll tell him the client had more business he wanted to discuss with you over dinner, it sounds believable. Do you think Sister will cover for us?"

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