𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟔

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With a swift movement, she lunged towards Sonic, her robotic arm ready to strike

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With a swift movement, she lunged towards Sonic, her robotic arm ready to strike. But instead of delivering the final blow, she stopped just short of his face, her red eye flickering as it shifted to a vibrant yellow as she processed the new comments coursing through her. 

Behind her, Nine smirks and types at the computer he was at previously. An image of her, part by part, turns green. Good timing Nine.

The robotic voice echoed through the room, "Now paired."

Nine's smile widened and adjusts his device before taking aim at Rusty. Her eye finally settled to yellow.

"New admin privileges, colon, backslash, backslash, affirmative, now paired."

"A-Amy...? Are you... You?" Sonic spoke, somewhat hopeful.

"No. She's still a Chaos Council tool of destruction. Lucky for you, I'm in control now. You're welcome. Attack!" Nine grinned, a vengeful look present on his features that scared you every time. 

Rusty turned to see more Eggforcers are coming. But Rusty seemed unfazed as she releases Sonic and effortlessly took them down with ease with her arms and flips them among the others, finally kicking them to the ground.

Rusty leapt into action, beating back the approaching Eggforcers.

Her movements were precise and powerful, each punch and kick landing with perfect accuracy. The sound of metal clashing against metal filled the air as she took down the approaching Eggforcers. Sonic watched in awe as the cyborg effortlessly defeated their enemies, her red eye glowing brightly as she fought.

More Eggforcers came through the floor. She leapt and beat the floor back down the tunnel which was quickly replaced by rising flames. Extending her legs, she steps back into the lab.

Sonic scrambled to his feet, his heart racing as he narrowly avoided the deadly laser slicing through Eggforcers and the lab walls. He could feel the heat from the laser brush against his fur, causing him to wince in pain and frantically search for a way to escape.

"Rusty Rose, close that door." Nine ordered, displeased.

As Sonic caught his breath, he noticed Rusty shoving more Eggforcers out of the way and closing the doors to prevent more of them from entering. Rebel, Knuckles, You, and Nine watch her.

With the danger momentarily averted, Knuckles voiced his confusion about Rusty's sudden change of allegiance, "Uh... she's with us now?"

Only to be met with a sassy response from Nine, "Duh!"

Sonic chuckled at the banter, grateful for the teamwork that had brought them this far.

Rusty spots the control panel and punches it, letting go of the doors, which stay closed. Now she turns to you, Sonic, Nine, Rebel, and Knuckles.

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