Chapter I

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"Y/N..? Where are we going?" My little brother Chiba asked me. I made my decision today and I'm not going to turn back now. I didn't want to be involve with my fathers buissness anymore! And I don't want Chiba too, so I think living with our aunt is the best option we have. No one knows pur faces there, maybe they just heard of what happened briefly.

"We're going to live with auntie!" I smiled down at my brother warmly, trying to assure him everything was fine. He had become really cautious after that inciedent, but I can't blame him. It's just, he's 6. He should be allowed to enjoy his childhood, different than I spend mine at least.

"Auntie..? But, what 'bout Mommy!" Chiba protested. I knew this was going to be hard, he loved, but.. I can't say I do. And I don't want him staying with her! She's just going to mistreat him again, I want to prevent that from happening, all it costs. I was hoping he could forget about our 'Mother' for a second, but I guess it's not that easy.

"We are playing a game of hide and see with her!" I smiled down at him exitingly, taking his small hands in mine as soon as our plane was called on board. Let's start a new life, let's life happy together Chiba..

"We are hiding from mommy?" Chiba asked. We just sat down on our seats in the plane, and he already had those sparkles in his eyes after seeing the plane. You see... we never actually traveler a lot, even thought the deals our dad had made were all over the world, he always had traveled alone.

"Yes! And she can't find us, if she does, we will loose very big this time..." I lied with a wink, which just made his eyes widen in exitement. I just wished I didn't have to lie, but he believed everything our Mother, Kathryn, said. It was the only way to keep him safe. I didn't want to, but I had to, to keep Chiba safe.

"We're going to live with Auntie and cousin Sarah??" Chibas next question caught my attention. Yes, of course! How could I have forgotten, Sarah. Now, don't get me wrong, we are close, really close. We chat almost everyday! And when we visit, it's like she's my sister... but, I COMPLETELY FORGOT!!

"Yes of course I do!" My aunt squezeed my brother and me tight, as if she hadn't seen us in years, even thought it's been only 6 months

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"Yes of course I do!" My aunt squezeed my brother and me tight, as if she hadn't seen us in years, even thought it's been only 6 months.. so, half a year. But I enjoyed her energetic attitute, and melted into the hug. Where my brother had problems, since he was short and basically handing down from Emiko's arms, it was hard for him to hug back. I laughed inside.

"Let's get you inside!!" My aunt beamed. I just suddenly appeared on her doorstep with Chiba and asked if she could take us in. She, the energetic and kind woman she is, immediately said yes and took us in as her own. I'm curious, where was Sarah?

"Hey aunt Emiko, where is Sarah?" I build up the courage to ask at dinner. My aunt seemed like she had forgotten Sarah was missing for a moment, but quickly laughed it off. T

"Her school has a dorm system" she answered, taking another piece of noodles in her mouth. Dorms? I was planning on enrolling in the same school with Sarah..  but, if they had dorms, I couldn't possibly leave Chiba here alone??

Maybe.. aunt is here, but if something urgend happens, she doesn't know how to use a gut or knives and-! No. I promised myself not to ever get involve with sich things again, I should be worrying about what school I'll go to!!

"If you don't mind, I will be using your computer to look for some schools.." I said, as politely as I could. Probably still a habit from when I was talking to Father and Mother.. Nevertheless, I made my way upstairs to my aunts room, to use her Laptop and look for schools I could possibly enrol in.

After an hour, I found some..
- Aldera senior high
- Okadami high
- Emerdy high school (Sarah's school)
- I.K.I. Intelligent's kids income
(Please these name's are literally so lame-..)


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𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓽𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓼 𝓶𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓴𝔂 - 𝓜𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓮𝓵 𝓐. Where stories live. Discover now