Chapter III

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"N/n!!" Chiba exitingly greeted me, as I just came back from my morning walk

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"N/n!!" Chiba exitingly greeted me, as I just came back from my morning walk. Everyday at 6 am I go for a walk in the morning and watch the sun rise. It calm me and I'm not a person you can awaken just with coffee, I need some more actions! So I go for a morning walk, which usually takes about 30 minutes, and often I run as well..
I put away my keys and picked up Chiba, who immediately snuggled into my chest.

"What is it??" I asked, ruffling trough his hair in a teasingly manner, which made him giggle. Chiba turned his head to look at me and his eyes were sparkling from exitement. I smiled softly and kissed him on the nose, which resulted into him rubbing his nose and me chuckling while making my way to the living room, Chiba still in my arms.

"So, will you tell me?" While setting him down on the couch, I made my way towards aunt Emiko and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, which she happily returned. I have the feeling she missed having Sarah around more, than she'd ever admit. But I don't mind, as long as she's still the same as before  I'll do anything to make her happy! So I'll be like her Sarah relpacement, even thought I know I could never replace her own daughter.

"My new friend invited us to dinner!! You too N/n, I told him about you" Chiba finally spilled the tea, as I sat down besides him.
A small laugh escaped my lips as I gave him a quick kiss on his forehead. In our relationship as siblings, affection is our language of love. And Chiba didn't seem to mind, he always looked really happy about it!!

"Aww, that's awesome.. but, do you know the time pumpkin?" I asked, booping his nose and chuckling at his dumb founded expression. Chiba started laughing nervously and face-palmed, I guess he forgot. Chiba Was always super exited about things, and it doesn't happen rarely that he forget to ask such things, I'm not even sure if the parents agreed to it. I' not even going to ask Chiba for their adress, he won't know anyways.

"Uuhh.. no? But! They gave a paper with a number on it, you should call there" the young boy announced with a big grin. I shook my head but took the number anyways, before sending a small glance at my aunt, to see her nodding her head in approval. I walked over to the phone, and dialed the number, soon I heard someone pick up.

"Afton household, Clara Afton speaking" the person at the other side of the phone answered. Wow, they were really polite.. come to think of, they could have just tricked Chiba, maybe they were- No! No, I really need to stop overthunking this. No way they found us, especially that fast!

"Hello? If I'm not mistaken you are familiar with my little brother, Chiba?" I asked carefully. It happens often I type in wrong numbers- and with that I mean like, almost everytime I type in a new number. One time I accidently called a pizzeria,  because I watched up the number of the local and one of my friends! It was embaressing... but I got over it, and the man on the phone understood.

"Ah! Yes, your brother is a real Angel sweety. I hope he did tell you about my invatation for dinner!" Mrs. Afton happily told me, and I swear I could hear her grinning trough the phone. But I smiled at her warm voice, she seemed like a genue person. I had lot's of experience with people, and could tell a lot about the person only by hearing their voice. It had become a habit of mine to try and imagining them before actually meeting the said person.

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